Friday, March 30, 2012





CSW is asking the worldwide Church to send cards of encouragement to Cuban Christians who came under pressure in the run-up to the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. This will show local authorities that there is international concern for the welfare of these citizens.

Prison used to stop Christian woman attending Sunday service

Caridad Caballero, a member of the Ladies in White, is just one of many Christians who has come under pressure in the run-up to the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Cuba. She was arrested and imprisoned over the weekend of 17 March, along with her husband and teenage son, in order to prevent the family from attending Sunday morning church services for the fourteenth week in a row.
CSW is encouraging the Church to unite as one and show their solidarity and support for Caridad and six church leaders.
By sending a card or a letter we can bring them hope and encouragement. This will not only provide them with emotional and spiritual support as they know someone is standing beside them, but most importantly at this time it will demonstrate to the Cuban authorities that they are not forgotten and that they are cared for.

Send cards to Cuban church leaders

CSW has provided addresses for Caridad Caballero, Pastor Reutilio Columbie, Pastor Francisco Rodríguez San Juan, Pastor Misael Rodriguez Cabrera and Pastor Yuri Castellanos Perez.
Important things to remember when writing to these Cubans who are persecuted for their faith:
- Do not include any political comment on Cuba or criticism in your cards and letters.
- If you receive letters requesting financial help in response to a card or letter that you have sent, always ask CSW about these requests before acting on them.
- Do not mention CSW in your cards.
For more guidance, download CSW’s Connect & Encourage booklet which includes details of many more Christians who need similar support.

Former prisoners explain vital role of oversees post

Time and time again CSW hear first-hand how cards and letters of encouragement bring hope and strength to individuals who suffer persecution and human rights abuses.
In Vietnam we know that 5,000 cards and letters meant the authorities could not ignore the plight of Pastor Truong when he was imprisoned without trial. We are also able to rejoice with families your prayers and cards have helped. On the release of Cuban church leader, Pastor Omar Gude Pérez, his wife told us, “we thank them so much because those prayers arrive before the throne and they are answered...”.

Caridad Caballero
Caridad Caballero Batista and her family have been banned from any religious activity since 8 January and were told they were on a blacklist of people who would be prevented from attending any of the activities around the Pope’s visit. She was arrested and held in prison during the Pope’s visit, and released as the Pope left Cuba. She told CSW, “Christ gives us faith; with Him we can climb mountains. We will never lose faith.”
Caridad Caballero
Calle 15 casa #9
e/22 y 26
Repar to Hilda Torrez

Pastor Reutilio Columbie
In February 2012, Pastor Reutilio Columbie was beaten so violently that he suffered brain damage. It’s believed that this attack was a direct result of his challenge to the authorities over their arbitrary confiscation of his church’s truck. He was found unconscious in the street after the severe beating, and now struggles with his speech and with memory loss.
Pastor Reutilio Columbie
Casa #27 Cabaña de rodo-Monterrey
Moa, Holguien

Pastor Francisco Rodríguez San Juan
Francisco Rodriguez, pastor of Cristo Rompe las Cadenas Church, also in Havana, has been harassed by the authorities in recent weeks, including threats of physical violence. The church is also not registered, but it is also part of the Western Baptist Convention. It is thought that the church’s ministry with vagrants and delinquents, who are mostly young people, has brought the pastor to the attention of the authorities. A member of a Cuban rap group which is openly critical of the government is also reported to be attending services at the church.
Cristo Rompe Las Cadenas Church
Pastor Francisco Rodríguez San Juan,
Calle Zaldo e/ Línea del Tren y Pereira,
Callejón Barreiro, Zaldo, Cerro,

Pastor Misael Rodriguez Cabrera
The pastor of a Baptist church, linked to the same denomination, in Alamar, Havana has been repeatedly fined exorbitant sums of money, equivalent to several months’ salary, since December, because his church building is not registered. However, officials refuse to process his case, and as a result, the church is in danger of being forcibly shut down. The pastor and his family have also been forced into hardship as a result of the exorbitant fines.
2nd Baptist Church: Alamar
Pastor Misael Rodriguez Cabrera
Edificio A54 Apto c1
Habana CP 12500

Pastor Yogly Gonzalez Pérez
Two years ago, Pastor Yogly Gonzalez Pérez, age 32, was forcibly evicted from his home by the National Revolutionary Police and the National Institute for Housing. According to the pastor, the police forced their way into the house when he opened the door in the morning, confiscated all of his belongings and put them into a truck. They forced him and his family, including his four year old child, to leave, sealed the house, where they had lived for fifteen years and which had been handed down to Yogly by his uncle. They have been homeless ever since and have had to rely on the hospitality of others. He is currently living with his mother in Havana.
Pastor Yogly Gonzalez Pérez
Calle Esperanza 214 Apt 12
e/ Florida Y Alanbique
Habana Vieja


AUDIO / CARLOS EIRE - What does the Pope's Visit to Cuba Mean for the Country's Future?


Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez has had her phone blocked ©DALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/Getty Images

The repression of dissent by the Cuban authorities has surged amid the Pope’s visit to the island this week.

By James Burke, Cuba Campaigner at Amnesty International

“The mobile you are calling does not exist.”

The phone in question, belonging to Cuban political activist José Daniel Ferrer García, certainly existed a week ago.

I know this because my colleagues and I spoke to him about increasing repression against government critics in the run-up to Pope Benedict XVI’s three-day visit to the island.

“The number you are dialling is wrong.”

We double check the telephone number of independent journalist and blogger Luis Felipe Rojas Rosabal. It is most definitely correct, but the recorded message would have us think otherwise.
“The number you have dialled is out of service.”

Our attempts to get through to the Havana office of the Cuban Commission of Human Rights and National Reconciliation – an organization denied legal status by the Cuban authorities – draws a similar blank.
As our efforts to communicate with government critics, human rights activists and independent journalists across Cuba are continually frustrated, it becomes clear that repression of dissent by the Cuban authorities during the Pope’s visit has become increasingly Orwellian.

From just before the Pope arrived in Cuba last Monday, mobile and landline connections belonging to government critics, human rights activists and independent journalists have all apparently been tampered with. A communications blockade is in place, and all potential voices of dissent have been silenced by the authorities.

Communication with Cuba is always challenging, as access to the internet is heavily restricted.
The Twitter accounts of independent journalists and bloggers, who are able to tweet from their mobile phones, have almost all been silent over the last few days.

Blogger Yoani Sánchez has been one of the few who has been able to send regular tweets, but has been unable to receive text messages or calls. One tweet reads “anyone who wants to communicate with me, best to use smoke signals!”

There are reports of more than 200 people being detained or held under house arrest, to prevent them from travelling to attend open air masses celebrated by the Pope in Havana and Santiago de Cuba.
The majority have been detained in the capital Havana and in the eastern provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Holguín and Guantánamo.

The communications blockade is preventing Amnesty International and other international organizations from gathering information on these detentions and the draconian efforts of the Cuban authorities to silence dissent in front of the world’s media.

José Daniel Ferrer Garcia is a former prisoner of conscience and coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), an umbrella group of dissident organizations from the eastern provinces of Cuba. He has reportedly been held under house arrest along with his wife, a member of the rights group Ladies in White,  Belkis Cantillo Ramírez and their daughter.

They live in Palma de Soriano in Santiago de Cuba Province and had intended to travel to attend the open air mass which the Pope celebrated on Monday evening in the city of Santiago de Cuba. Luis Felipe Rojas Rosabal, who blogs on the effects of government restrictions on everyday life in eastern Cuba, is one of 26 people reportedly detained in his home province of Holguín.

The Cuban authorities would like the outside world to think that José Daniel’s mobile “does not exist”, and by extension that the criticism of government policies and restrictions that he and many other Cubans peacefully express, does not exist either.

However, the Cuban authorities’ attempt to silence the voice of peaceful dissidence on the international stage is ultimately fruitless: the genie has long left the bottle.

Amnesty International, along with other international human rights organizations, journalists and users of social media will continue to bear witness to the struggle of Cubans to seek respect for fundamental civil and political freedoms.


Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana
(305) 220-2713


Represión continúa en Cuba con líneas telefónicas cortadas. Algunos activistas excarcelados, otros aún detenidos.

Se incluye lista parcial y actualizada de defensores de los ddhh arrestados y en arresto domiciliario

Además de esto, se pudo hacer contacto con el periodista independiente Luis Felipe Rojas Rosabal quien fue detenido el 24 de marzo y excarcelado el 28 de marzo de 2012.

“Considero que esto es una violación flagrante a mis derechos religiosos, son derechos que son universales para todo el mundo. [...]Con nosotros que somos opositores abiertos al régimen de Raúl Castro tomaron medidas coercitivas. Me violaron el derecho de ir a misa el domingo que tocaba misa ordinaria; violaron mi derecho de participar en la peregrinación a la visita del Papa en Santiago de Cuba”, explicó Rojas Rosabal desde San Germán, Holguín quien agregó que desde el momento de su arresto se declaró en huelga de hambre.

Desde Cienfuegos Ricardo Pupo Sierra, miembro del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo denunció arrestos con violencia y llamó la atención sobre opositores que permanecen desaparecidos.
“Quiero expresar la preocupación por los activistas Pablo González Villa, Justo Luis Alonso García y Alexis Santana González quienes fueron detenidos el 27 a las 4 de la tarde cerca del parque de donde iban a salir las guaguas donde la Seguridad del Estado la emprendió a golpes contra ellos. Los activistas gritaban consignas antigubernamentales y aún se desconoce el paradero de los mismos”, expresó Pupo Sierra.
A continuación la lista actualizada hasta las 7:30 PM del 29 de marzo de 2012.
Pinar del Rio: Todas las líneas cortadas
  1. Yaser Reinoso Ramos
La Habana: Mayoría de las líneas cortadas
  1. Sara Marta Fonseca Quevedo (excarcelada a las 8PM 3/28/2012)
  2. Julio León Fonseca (excarcelada a las 8PM 3/28/2012)
  3. Julio Aleaga Pesant (detenido en Santiago de Cuba)
  4. William (bajista de grupo Porno para Ricardo)
  5. Danilo Maldonado, El Sexto (grafitero)
  6. Ismael de Diego (poeta y actor)
  7. Claudio Fuentes (fotógrafo)
  8. Francisco Chaviano González
  9. Enrique Losada
  10. Julio Vega Santiesteban
  11. Roberto Tapia Ferrer
  12. Rubén Sanchez Vega
  13. Leidi Coca Quesada
  14. Omaida Padrón Ascuit
  15. Jennifer Fonseca Padrón
  16. Karen de Jesús
  17. Belkis Felicia Jorrín Morfa
  18. Lázara Mitjans Cruz
  19. Blanca Hernández Moya
  20. Ciro Díaz (guitarrista de Porno para Ricardo y bloguero)
  21. Naiyibis Corrales Jiménez
  22. Laura Elena Capote Loret de Mola
  23. Katia Sonia Martín Veliz
  24. Ricardo Salabarría
  25. Odalis Caridad Valdés Suárez
  26. Raúl Ramírez Puig
  27. Gerardo Páez Díaz
  28. Ulises Cintra Suárez
  29. Jerry Curbelo Aguilera
  30. Manuel Cuesta Morúa
  31. Alberto Méndez
  32. Ivonne Mayeza Galano
  33. Mercedes Fresneda
  34. Julio Regatillo
  35. Berta Soler Fernández
  36. Alejandrina García de la Riva
  37. Laura Labrada Pollán
  38. Niurka Luque Alvarez (detenida, golpeada y en huelga desde el 18 de marzo- trasladada a Manto Negro desde el 29 de marzo de 2012.
  39. Lucy Castermau
  40. Yesica Castermau Jorrín
  41. Belkis Jorrín Morfa
  42. María de los Angeles Rojas Pereira
  43. Roberto de Jesús Guerra Pérez- (Desde el 27 a las 8PM hasta el 28 a las 9:45PM- Llevados a la 7ma de la Lisa)
  44. Magalys Norbis Otero- (Desde el 27 a las 8PM hasta el 28 a las 9:45PM)
  45. René Rouco Machín

  1. Leticia Ramos Herrería,
  2. Emilio Bringas Evora
  3. Mercedes de la Caridad De la Guardia
  4. José Morejón Morejón
  5. Lázaro Díaz Sánchez
  6. Francisco Rangel Manzano
  7. Ysabel Marrero Burunate (golpeada)
  8. Carlos Orlando Olivera Martínez (arrestado violentamente)
  9. William Acevedo Roque
  10. Rubén Montes de Oca
  11. Nelson Ruiz Alonso
  12. Félix Navarro Rodríguez
  13. Edelvis Granda Pérez
  14. Raudel García
  15. Nelson Acosta Ríos
  16. Iván Hernández Carrillo
  1. Pablo González Villa (detenido el 27, permanece detenido)
  2. Justo Luis Alonso García (detenido el 27, permanece detenido)
  3. Alexis Santana González (detenido el 27, permanece detenido)
  4. Yoel Morera Martínez  (detenido el 25 y excarcelado el 28)
  5. Eduardo Cortés López, (detenido el 27 y excarcelado el 28)
  6. Ricardo Pupo Sierra, (detenido el 26 y excarcelado el 28)
  7. Juan de Dios Medina Vazquez (detenido el 26 y excarcelado el 28)
Villa Clara:
  1. Rolando Ferrer Espinosa,
  2. Maria del Carmen Martinez Lopez,
  3. Natividad Blanco Carrero,
  4. Leonardo Rodríguez Alonzo
  5. Camaguey:
  6. Virgilio Mantilla Arango,
  7. Elicardo Freire Jiménez
  8. Osmani Leonardo Fernández.
  9. Frank Adán  de la Rosa
  10. Rudel Montes de Oca Quesada
Las Tunas

78.  Ramón Velázquez Toranzo

79.  Ismelis Quiñones Ortega

  1. Luis Felipe Rojas Rosabal,
  2. Delmides Fidalgo López,
  3. Mariblanca Ávila Esposito,
  4. Anni Sarrión Romero,
  5. Juan Carlos Vázquez Osorio,
  6. Jorge Luis Freeman Palermo,
  7. Jorge Luis Claro Velazquez,
  8. Juan Oriol Verdecia, (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  9. Rafael Meneses Pupo, (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  10. Alexander Rodríguez Santiesteban (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  11. Maritza Cardoso,
  12. Caridad Caballero Batista,
  13. Marta Díaz Rondón,
  14. Milagros Leiva Ramírez.
  15. Anyer Antonio Blanco Rodríguez
  16. Eliécer Aranda Matos
  17. Yeri Curbelo Aguilera
  18. Eliécer Palma Pupo
  19. Antonio Caballero Pupo
  20. Bernardo Torres Roldán
  21. Maira Guerrero Silva
  22. Bertha Guerrero Segura
  23. Marco Antonio Lima Dalmao
  24. Adis Nidia Cruz Sebré
  25. Isabel Peña Torres
  26. Judith Ferrer Segura
  27. Yosvany Anzardo
  28. Yoandri Naoski Ricardo Mir (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  29. Delvis Martínez Albides (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  30. Niober Cansino Acosta (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  31. Ariel Cruz Meneses (Desde el 24 de marzo hasta el 28 de marzo a las 2 PM)
  32. Granma
  33. Emiliano González Olivera
  34. Léster Lora Carbonell
  35. Alexis Rivero Rodríguez
  36. Antonio Santí Soto
  37. Félix Rivero Cordobí
  38. Armando Pacheco
  39. Yaquelin García Hans

Santiago de Cuba:
  1. Misael Valdés Díaz, (detenido el 26 de marzo y excarcelado el 28 de marzo en horas de la noche).
  2. Jorge Cervantes García, detenido violentamente y tiene una mano herida de 8 puntos de sutura.
  3. Guillermo Cobas Reyes
  4. Liudmila Rodriguez Palomo,
  5. Angel Verdecia Díaz
  6. Andry Verdecia Osorio
  7. Ramón Bolaños Martínez
  8. Sergio Lescay Despaigne
  9. Maikel Osorio Martínez
  10. Rulisán Ramírez Rodríguez
  11. Rolando Humberto González Rodríguez
  12. Yelena Garcés Nápoles
  13. Eduardo Pérez Martínez
  14. Armando Sánchez La O
  15. Angel Lino Isaac Luna
  16. Karina Quintana Hernández
  17. Yannai Ferrer Santos
  18. Ana Celia Rodriguez Torres
  19. José Batista Falcón
  20. Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya
  21. José Enrique Martínez Ferrer
  22. Bismark Mustelier Galán
  23. Dani López de Moya
  24. Luis Ernrique Losada Igarza
  25. Mercedes Fonseca Fernández
  26. Adriana Figueredo Fernández
  27. Yaima Bejerano Díaz
  28. Doraisa Correoso Pozo
  29. Adriana Núñez Pascual
  30. Madelaine Santos Grillo
  31. Agustín Ferrer
  32. Ovidia Martín Catellanos
  33. Yoselin Ferrera Espinosa
  34. Jesús Priman Salermo
  35. Annia Alegre Pécora, fue detenida el viernes le liberaron y el sábado la detuvieron y la liberaron y el domingo la volvieron a detener y aun permanece detenida.
  36. Yamiselis Figueredo Valdés
  37. Omaidis González Leiva
  38. Tania Montoya Vázquez
  39. Yanelis Elégica Despaigne
  40. Vivian Peña Hernández
  41. Yunieski Domínguez González
  42. Roberto González Feria
  43. Ángel Mir Espinosa,  católico activo en la ciudad de San Luis, fue designado por su Parroquia para estar en primera fila durante la Misa, tenía un asiento y ya listo  para ir, fue secuestrado el 25 de marzo de 2012 por la policía política, su esposa Dama de Blanco decidió que se iba a plantar frente a la policía en huelga de hambre para que liberen a su esposo, al mediodía del 26 de marzo de 2012
  44. Alexis Yanchoi Kuán Jerez
  45. Anyer Antonio Blanco
  46. Eliécer Martínez Ferrer
  47. Ovidio Martí Calderín
  48. Yoselín Ferrera Espinosa
  49. Adriana Rodríguez Fernández
  50. Rafael Alvarez Rodríguez
  51. Rubén Torres Saínz
  52. Yaquelín Baín García
  53. Aliana Isaac Lemus
  54. Juana Irena Parada
  55. Ernesto Roberto Riverit
  56. Andrés Pérez Suárez
  57. Reinaldo Castillo Martínez
  58. Tatiana López Blanco
  59. Yamiselys Aleaga Cayamo
  60. Orlando Humberto González
  61. Eliécer Porto Barrero
  62. Adriana Figueroa Fernández
  63. José Ramos Corrales
  64. Luis Edilio Martínez Pérez
  65. Martín Osorio
  66. Rolando Reyes
  1. Francisco Luis Manzanet Ortiz
  2. Roberto González Pelegrín,
  3. Rodolfo Bartelemy Cobas,
  4. Isael Poveda Silva,
  5. Reinier Cubas,
  6. Randy Caballero Suárez,
  7. Roneidi Leiva Salas
  8. Yordis Sofía Rodríguez
  9. Raúl Durán Montero
  10. Roberto Quiñones Lores
  11. Enyor Díaz Allen
  12. Oscar Savón Pantoja
  13. Ramón Olivares Abello
  14. Rogelio Laborde Rivero
  15. Yordis García Fournier
  16. Eldri Abello Batista
Excarcelados y en arresto domiciliario con casas sitiadas para impedir que lleguen a Santiago de Cuba o La Habana
Pinar del Río
  1. Yoel Reinoso,
  2. Víctor Rodríguez Morejón,
  3. Raquel Rodríguez Riverón,
  4. Dianelis Rodríguez Suárez,
  5. Yoangel Palacios Hernández,
  6. Luis Enrique Milián,
  7. Jose Rolando Caceres Soto,
  8. Adalberto Abascal Quintana,
  9. Roberto Blanco Gil,
  10. Raquel Rodriguez Suarez
  11. Eduardo Diaz Fleitas.
  12. Dagoberto Valdés

La Habana
  1. Jorge Castor Veliz Díaz, detenido el 23 de marzo y liberado el 26 de marzo.
  2. Hermógenes Guerrero Gómez
  3. Mayra Morejón Hernández- Detenida el 27 y excarcelada ese mismo día porque le produjeron un esguinse en el pie por una patrulla que le tiraron encima.
  4. Heriberto Liranza
  5. Ainí Martín Valero
  6. Yosvani Manuel Martínez Martínez
  7. Ignacio Martínez Montero

  1. Caridad Burunate Gómez
  2. Regla Burunate Gómez
  3. Sahilí Navarro
  4. Eduardo Marco Pacheco Ortiz
  5. José Hernández López (golpeado)
  6. Laysis Barzola
  7. Nelson Curbelo Rodríguez
  8. Nilda Leiva Gonzalez
  9. Lázaro Ariel Padrón López
  10. Beatriz Gómez García
  11. Félix Gregorio Sierra Soto
  12. Caridad González González
  13. Giraldo Sigler Cruz
  14. Luisa Ramón Rodríguez
  15. Dagoberto Santana Marichal
  16. Edilei Moreno Fernández
  17. Juan Francisco Sigler Amaya                

Villa Clara
  1. Yris Pérez Aguilera
  2. Jorge Luis García Pérez “Antúnez”
  3. Idania Yánez Contreras
  4. Yanisbel Valido Perez, liberada con hemorragia por la nariz
  5. Alcides Rivera Rodríguez
  6. Librado Linares García
  7. Juan Manuel Sarduy Segredo
  8. Magaly Broche de la Cruz
  1. Cristián Toranzo Fundichely
  2. Mildred Nohemí Sánchez Infante
  3. Antonio Buenamor Fundichely
  4. Wilmer Rivas Marín
  5. Yusy Ramírez
  6. Eusebio Andrés Martínez Fundichely
  7. David Guibert Durán
  8. Eliso Castillo González
  9. Roilán Ramírez Reinosa
  10. Jorge Luis Díaz Marín
  11. Rafael Martínez Leiva
  12. Andrés Martínez Fundichely
  13. Amada Pileta
  14. Julio César Ramos Curbelo
Santiago de Cuba:
  1. José Daniel Ferrer García
  2. Yoandri Fuertes Hernández
  3. Wildo Izaguirre Fuentes
  4. Belkis Cantillo Ramírez
  5. Aymeé Garcés Leiva
  6. Marta Beatriz Ferrer Cantillo (menor de edad)
  7. Daniela Valcárcel Garcés (menor de edad)
  8. Yusmel Acosta Aguilera, Caimanera, familiar de un opositor y puesto en libertad en la noche del viernes después de ser golpea 
  9. Guantánamo:
  10. Jorge Corrales Ceballos
  11. Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, detenido el 25 de marzo y excarcelado el 26 de marzo con detención domiciliaria. Había sido arrestado en La Habana el viernes 23 de marzo de 2012.