From El Nuevo Herald
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
CUBA: FUERTE ACOSO CONTRA LAS DAMAS DE BLANCO 9/24/2011 (1:40 min.) ( 1:22 min.) ( 1:22 min.)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Testimony given by former Cuban prisoner of conscience, Fidel Suárez Cruz, before U.N. parallel summit in New York, on September 21, 2011:
(VIDEO ) -
"Good afternoon. I would like to thank UN Watch and the coalition of non-governmental organizations for the invitation which has made possible my presence here today. My name is Fidel Suárez Cruz. I am Cuban. I was condemned to 20 years of prison. I was kept in solitary confinement for seven years and seven months.
I was put under the cellular system which consists of living in a solitary cell without human contact. For two years and eight months I was kept in a walled-in or “tapiada” cell. Tapiada cells have a double-layered steel door instead of bars. The other walls are made of cement, without windows. This results in no ventilation.
According to the Regulations of Interior Order of Jails and Prisons in Cuba, a prisoner has a right to a daily hour of sunlight. During the time which I was confined to a walled-in “tapiada” cell, I was also denied sunlight and artificial illumination. The cell was dark at all times, and my family was prevented from bringing me a light-bulb or lamp to illuminate the cell.
In addition to this treatment, I also received terrible beatings for refusing to use the common prisoner uniform, as I was a prisoner of conscience. I was also brutally beaten for refusing to shave and stand up to salute the soldiers in the prison who would do the prisoner recount twice a day. In a time period of one month and nine days, I was beaten for these reasons 19 times while at Agüica prison in the province of Matanzas, between January and February 2005. This prison is located 525 kilometers from my house, in the town of Cayuco, province of Pinar del Río.
These beatings consisted of a group of military men entering my cell. Four of them would lift me up and throw me against the floor. Other times they would use tonfas, canes made of rubber on the outside with a steel rod on the inside. With these, they would beat my knees or lower extremities to force me to stand up and dress in the common prisoners clothing. They would punch me in the abdomen, ribs. They would kick me. They would beat my head, leaving me deaf from my right ear and almost deaf from the left. These continued beatings dislocated my right knee and affected my fifth lumbar vertebrae and first cervical vertebrae.
This beating was carried out in a special cell which has architecture that resembles a number five. It is a system of cells in which, upon entering, you have to pass three very narrow hallways and two barred doors. No one can hear or know anything of what happens there. I was kept in punishment for a month and nine days. The official who personally directed these beatings is the Captain who calls himself Emilio Cruz; these were ordered by the official of the political police who in charge of this prison who calls himself Peñate, who receives orders from Section 21 of the Council of State.
On July 27th of the same year, 2005, in the same prison, for continuing to refuse to shave, I was newly beaten by two prison officials who call themselves Dioval Gainza and Yusley alias “el jabao”. They punched me throughout my body and on my head, causing me multiple bruises. They did not beat me directly on my face, so as not to leave visible marks.
While confined in Kilo 8 Prison in Pinar del Río, I received other beatings. During one of these beatings, for protesting to demand medical attention for an inmate, I was violently dragged from the third floor of the prison down the stairs to the first floor, and later transferred to area #2 of the punishment cells in the bordering Kilo 5 ½ Prison. I was in this punishment cell for a period of 21 days. As a result of this treatment, they dislocated my right leg, which left me with one leg longer than the other.
In another beating for carrying out a peaceful protest because authorities denied giving me the hour of sunlight, they put the handcuffs on me in such a manner that they dug into my wrists, cutting my skin and circulation in my hands. On this occasion, they once again dragged me from the third floor to the first, as a habitual form of punishment.
The characteristics of the 21 days punishment cells in area #2 of Kilo 5 ½ are the following: one sleeps on the floor or in a cement slab that protrudes from the wall; without illumination; the rats, cockroaches, ants are the only company a prisoner has; in the summer months, the heat is asphyxiating to the point that the cell rather seems like an oven. One cannot sleep because of the discomfort and dehydration produced by these conditions.
The food, if it can be called food, was brought to my cell by a guard. This consisted of a small ration of badly prepared rice, potato, or sweet potato, on numerous occasions, accompanied by worms and weevils, which meant this food was in the process of putrefaction. Ninety percent of the diet was of these small quantities of carbohydrates and rarely an egg, or some sort of entrails.
It can be said that the sanitation and hygienic conditions of all the prisons where I was taken are nonexistent. First, the prisoner does not have a place to sit, only on the floor. To carry out physiological needs, there is a hole in the ground inside the cell. The spigot for drinking and bathwater can be found approximately 10 to 15 cm from this hole, where the remains of fecal matter linger. The so-called beds are constructed of corrugated steel bars, full of rust, and welded to the floor of the cell. In Agüica Prison, instead of corrugated steel, it is a cement bed.
All personal hygiene items must be brought by family members to the prisoner; that is when they are able to gain access to these products which ordinary Cubans lack.
For a prisoner of conscience like myself, who also refused any so-called reeducation plan, which is nothing more than a political indoctrination plan for the prisoner to regret defending the cause of defending human rights, family visits were every three months under normal conditions. This is to say, when I was not in a punishment cell or having problems with the prison authorities, I could see only 2 adults (during each visit and they could only be members of my immediate family) and minors. My family members had to travel approximately 525 kilometers in order to visit me. Taking into account the difficult conditions for travel in Cuba, this was a problem for my family, although they always went to visit me despite much hardship and difficulties.
At the moment, the current situation in Cuba is quite worrisome. On the one hand, there are many ordinary Cubans who are identifying with the internal resistance and their struggle for the human rights of the Cuban people, and on the other hand the opposition is protesting on the streets demanding freedom. What does the tyranny do? As methods of terror, they are repressing with beatings, detentions, tear gas. They are also using a strategy of detaining human rights defenders and releasing them after various hours.
In Cuba, all of the rights contemplated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are violated, despite Cuba being a signatory. In regards to article 13 of this declaration, in Cuba, one cannot enter and leave the country freely, nor can one move freely within the national territory. Cubans who are allowed to leave the country need the White Card, a document emitted by the Ministry of the Interior, without which one cannot leave the country. Also, to enter the country, any Cuban citizen or person born within the country, needs to solicit an entry permit or visa from Cuban authorities which is also granted by the Ministry of the Interior, and depends on his/her political behavior abroad in regards to the dictatorship.
In Cuba, parents do not have the right to choose the education their children with receive. Education is controlled and directed by the regime, and children are indoctrinated with communist ideology, to form men and women who will respond to the regime’s interests. This violates section 3 of article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Freedom of speech does not exist in Cuba. The mass media is in the hands of the tyranny. In other words, a human rights activist cannot have access to these means. If a person publicly expresses an opinion related to politics or economics, contrary to that of the regime, they can be processed for “enemy propaganda”, a criminal offense according to the current Cuban Penal Code.
There are also other offenses considered criminal in Cuba, such as “pre-criminal social dangerousness”, which has been used to imprison people who are opposed to the dictatorship, or people who are unemployed and are considered dangerous by the regime.
There is a growing number of youth and blacks imprisoned under “dangerousness”. Ninety percent of the Cuban prison population is black and young, this is how the tyranny controls any social explosions, using coercive methods.
I consider that at this moment, the revolutions in the Middle East have had an impact in Cuba, despite censorship. This is why the dictatorship on the Island has increased repression. The result of these revolutions will continue to impact and encourage the Cuban people in their struggle for freedom.
I speak of censorship because for example, in Cuba there is no free-uncensored access to the Internet. Only regime elite, governmental institutions, and tourist centers have official access. Internet access is practically impossible in Cuba’s provinces, it is only in Havana where it is possible with effort and restrictions. When I entered the prison in 2003, the existence of bloggers in Cuba was unthinkable, and even more so, Internet access.
The only alternative media which is currently functioning is twitter, which can be used through text messaging. However, this is too expensive for Cubans because you need to use a cellular phone. In addition to this, cellular phones and phone lines are hacked by the regime, as it controls the communications network on the Island. The dictatorship even uses the cellular phones of opposition activists to send death threats to fellow activists. This is done to generate division and paranoia between those who oppose the system.
The international community is not doing enough with respect to the subject of Cuba. Many governments remain silent in regards to the human rights violations in Cuba. Some international news media have also been accomplices of this silence. I consider that the tyranny should be accused in all International forums as a violator of the human rights of Cubans, as this is the essence of the tyranny.
A one party system, such as that which exists in Cuba, must murder, repress, torture, exile, and incarcerate its people to remain in and consolidate power for 52 years.
I would like Cuba not to be forgotten. I would like freedom and democracy for Cuba. I dream of a country where all Cubans can enjoy the freedom for which so many have died. I would like Cubans to be able to travel in and out of their country without having to ask for permission. I would like Cubans to have a political model which will allow them to develop their intellectual capacity and in this way help in the country’s progress.
In conclusion, I ask the international community for support for the internal resistance and the Cuban people in order to be able to obtain freedom.
Thank you very much.
Testimony of former Cuban prisoner of conscience, Fidel Suárez Cruz presented on September 21, 2011, at the global summit of democracy activists, human rights defenders and non- governmental organizations, about human rights violations in Cuba. Suarez Cruz called for greater support for the island’s pro-democracy resistance movement. The Summit is taking place in New York on September 21-22, 2011 parallel to the U.N. General Assembly, and the 10th anniversary commemoration of the UN’s Durban conference on racism. Fidel Suarez Cruz addressed the Summit during a panel entitled "Dictatorship to Democracy: Dissidents Speak", which also feature democracy activists from Burma, Tibet, and North Korea.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana/
(VIDEO ) -
"Good afternoon. I would like to thank UN Watch and the coalition of non-governmental organizations for the invitation which has made possible my presence here today. My name is Fidel Suárez Cruz. I am Cuban. I was condemned to 20 years of prison. I was kept in solitary confinement for seven years and seven months.
I was put under the cellular system which consists of living in a solitary cell without human contact. For two years and eight months I was kept in a walled-in or “tapiada” cell. Tapiada cells have a double-layered steel door instead of bars. The other walls are made of cement, without windows. This results in no ventilation.
According to the Regulations of Interior Order of Jails and Prisons in Cuba, a prisoner has a right to a daily hour of sunlight. During the time which I was confined to a walled-in “tapiada” cell, I was also denied sunlight and artificial illumination. The cell was dark at all times, and my family was prevented from bringing me a light-bulb or lamp to illuminate the cell.
In addition to this treatment, I also received terrible beatings for refusing to use the common prisoner uniform, as I was a prisoner of conscience. I was also brutally beaten for refusing to shave and stand up to salute the soldiers in the prison who would do the prisoner recount twice a day. In a time period of one month and nine days, I was beaten for these reasons 19 times while at Agüica prison in the province of Matanzas, between January and February 2005. This prison is located 525 kilometers from my house, in the town of Cayuco, province of Pinar del Río.
These beatings consisted of a group of military men entering my cell. Four of them would lift me up and throw me against the floor. Other times they would use tonfas, canes made of rubber on the outside with a steel rod on the inside. With these, they would beat my knees or lower extremities to force me to stand up and dress in the common prisoners clothing. They would punch me in the abdomen, ribs. They would kick me. They would beat my head, leaving me deaf from my right ear and almost deaf from the left. These continued beatings dislocated my right knee and affected my fifth lumbar vertebrae and first cervical vertebrae.
This beating was carried out in a special cell which has architecture that resembles a number five. It is a system of cells in which, upon entering, you have to pass three very narrow hallways and two barred doors. No one can hear or know anything of what happens there. I was kept in punishment for a month and nine days. The official who personally directed these beatings is the Captain who calls himself Emilio Cruz; these were ordered by the official of the political police who in charge of this prison who calls himself Peñate, who receives orders from Section 21 of the Council of State.
On July 27th of the same year, 2005, in the same prison, for continuing to refuse to shave, I was newly beaten by two prison officials who call themselves Dioval Gainza and Yusley alias “el jabao”. They punched me throughout my body and on my head, causing me multiple bruises. They did not beat me directly on my face, so as not to leave visible marks.
While confined in Kilo 8 Prison in Pinar del Río, I received other beatings. During one of these beatings, for protesting to demand medical attention for an inmate, I was violently dragged from the third floor of the prison down the stairs to the first floor, and later transferred to area #2 of the punishment cells in the bordering Kilo 5 ½ Prison. I was in this punishment cell for a period of 21 days. As a result of this treatment, they dislocated my right leg, which left me with one leg longer than the other.
In another beating for carrying out a peaceful protest because authorities denied giving me the hour of sunlight, they put the handcuffs on me in such a manner that they dug into my wrists, cutting my skin and circulation in my hands. On this occasion, they once again dragged me from the third floor to the first, as a habitual form of punishment.
The characteristics of the 21 days punishment cells in area #2 of Kilo 5 ½ are the following: one sleeps on the floor or in a cement slab that protrudes from the wall; without illumination; the rats, cockroaches, ants are the only company a prisoner has; in the summer months, the heat is asphyxiating to the point that the cell rather seems like an oven. One cannot sleep because of the discomfort and dehydration produced by these conditions.
The food, if it can be called food, was brought to my cell by a guard. This consisted of a small ration of badly prepared rice, potato, or sweet potato, on numerous occasions, accompanied by worms and weevils, which meant this food was in the process of putrefaction. Ninety percent of the diet was of these small quantities of carbohydrates and rarely an egg, or some sort of entrails.
It can be said that the sanitation and hygienic conditions of all the prisons where I was taken are nonexistent. First, the prisoner does not have a place to sit, only on the floor. To carry out physiological needs, there is a hole in the ground inside the cell. The spigot for drinking and bathwater can be found approximately 10 to 15 cm from this hole, where the remains of fecal matter linger. The so-called beds are constructed of corrugated steel bars, full of rust, and welded to the floor of the cell. In Agüica Prison, instead of corrugated steel, it is a cement bed.
All personal hygiene items must be brought by family members to the prisoner; that is when they are able to gain access to these products which ordinary Cubans lack.
For a prisoner of conscience like myself, who also refused any so-called reeducation plan, which is nothing more than a political indoctrination plan for the prisoner to regret defending the cause of defending human rights, family visits were every three months under normal conditions. This is to say, when I was not in a punishment cell or having problems with the prison authorities, I could see only 2 adults (during each visit and they could only be members of my immediate family) and minors. My family members had to travel approximately 525 kilometers in order to visit me. Taking into account the difficult conditions for travel in Cuba, this was a problem for my family, although they always went to visit me despite much hardship and difficulties.
At the moment, the current situation in Cuba is quite worrisome. On the one hand, there are many ordinary Cubans who are identifying with the internal resistance and their struggle for the human rights of the Cuban people, and on the other hand the opposition is protesting on the streets demanding freedom. What does the tyranny do? As methods of terror, they are repressing with beatings, detentions, tear gas. They are also using a strategy of detaining human rights defenders and releasing them after various hours.
In Cuba, all of the rights contemplated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are violated, despite Cuba being a signatory. In regards to article 13 of this declaration, in Cuba, one cannot enter and leave the country freely, nor can one move freely within the national territory. Cubans who are allowed to leave the country need the White Card, a document emitted by the Ministry of the Interior, without which one cannot leave the country. Also, to enter the country, any Cuban citizen or person born within the country, needs to solicit an entry permit or visa from Cuban authorities which is also granted by the Ministry of the Interior, and depends on his/her political behavior abroad in regards to the dictatorship.
In Cuba, parents do not have the right to choose the education their children with receive. Education is controlled and directed by the regime, and children are indoctrinated with communist ideology, to form men and women who will respond to the regime’s interests. This violates section 3 of article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Freedom of speech does not exist in Cuba. The mass media is in the hands of the tyranny. In other words, a human rights activist cannot have access to these means. If a person publicly expresses an opinion related to politics or economics, contrary to that of the regime, they can be processed for “enemy propaganda”, a criminal offense according to the current Cuban Penal Code.
There are also other offenses considered criminal in Cuba, such as “pre-criminal social dangerousness”, which has been used to imprison people who are opposed to the dictatorship, or people who are unemployed and are considered dangerous by the regime.
There is a growing number of youth and blacks imprisoned under “dangerousness”. Ninety percent of the Cuban prison population is black and young, this is how the tyranny controls any social explosions, using coercive methods.
I consider that at this moment, the revolutions in the Middle East have had an impact in Cuba, despite censorship. This is why the dictatorship on the Island has increased repression. The result of these revolutions will continue to impact and encourage the Cuban people in their struggle for freedom.
I speak of censorship because for example, in Cuba there is no free-uncensored access to the Internet. Only regime elite, governmental institutions, and tourist centers have official access. Internet access is practically impossible in Cuba’s provinces, it is only in Havana where it is possible with effort and restrictions. When I entered the prison in 2003, the existence of bloggers in Cuba was unthinkable, and even more so, Internet access.
The only alternative media which is currently functioning is twitter, which can be used through text messaging. However, this is too expensive for Cubans because you need to use a cellular phone. In addition to this, cellular phones and phone lines are hacked by the regime, as it controls the communications network on the Island. The dictatorship even uses the cellular phones of opposition activists to send death threats to fellow activists. This is done to generate division and paranoia between those who oppose the system.
The international community is not doing enough with respect to the subject of Cuba. Many governments remain silent in regards to the human rights violations in Cuba. Some international news media have also been accomplices of this silence. I consider that the tyranny should be accused in all International forums as a violator of the human rights of Cubans, as this is the essence of the tyranny.
A one party system, such as that which exists in Cuba, must murder, repress, torture, exile, and incarcerate its people to remain in and consolidate power for 52 years.
I would like Cuba not to be forgotten. I would like freedom and democracy for Cuba. I dream of a country where all Cubans can enjoy the freedom for which so many have died. I would like Cubans to be able to travel in and out of their country without having to ask for permission. I would like Cubans to have a political model which will allow them to develop their intellectual capacity and in this way help in the country’s progress.
In conclusion, I ask the international community for support for the internal resistance and the Cuban people in order to be able to obtain freedom.
Thank you very much.
Testimony of former Cuban prisoner of conscience, Fidel Suárez Cruz presented on September 21, 2011, at the global summit of democracy activists, human rights defenders and non- governmental organizations, about human rights violations in Cuba. Suarez Cruz called for greater support for the island’s pro-democracy resistance movement. The Summit is taking place in New York on September 21-22, 2011 parallel to the U.N. General Assembly, and the 10th anniversary commemoration of the UN’s Durban conference on racism. Fidel Suarez Cruz addressed the Summit during a panel entitled "Dictatorship to Democracy: Dissidents Speak", which also feature democracy activists from Burma, Tibet, and North Korea.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana/
Monday, September 19, 2011
Laida A. Carro
Human Rights Defender / Coalition of Cuban-American Women / + 305 662-5947
Ramon Velazquez Toranzo
tel: + 53 53780863
SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Ramon Velazquez Toranzo is a Cuban dissident from the Eastern province of Las Tunas. He has suffered imprisonment, detainment, and threats due to his activism in defense of human rights, as well as for being an independent journalist. Towards the end of 2006, Velazquez headed “The March for Dignity” together with his wife and youngest daughter. The objective of the march was to walk throughout the island, passing all sorts of cities and towns on the way, demanding that the fundamental rights of Cubans be respected, and also, as the name suggests, so that the dignity of the Cuban people be respected. The march kicked off in Santiago de Cuba, in the sanctuary of the Virgin of Charity, and the family was able to traverse various provinces, but not without countless obstacles on behalf of the tyranny. They were finally impeded from continuing upon arriving at Ciego de Avila in January of 2007.
Today, Ramon Velazquez is on hunger strike, and his daughter Rufina Velazquez (now exiled in Miami) is asking for solidarity for her father and his protest. Rufina has explained that due to her families’ anti-government stance, she has difficulties in communicating with her father as often as she likes, considering that their phone line is commonly intercepted and e-mails are censured, while hand written letters often never arrive to her father’s hands.
Rufina answered some questions for ‘Pedazos de la Isla’, bringing us her father’s message and explaining the reasons as to why he has decided to carry out a hunger strike:
PDLI: Tell us a bit about your father, Ramon Velazquez.
RV: My father, Ramon Velazquez Toranzo, joined the opposition before I was born, in the late 80′s. He began his dissident activities as an independent journalist, with the goal of denouncing all the violations and atrocities suffered by our country. My father is a very determined person, and his love for Cuba is one of the things for which he lives and fights for each day, as well as his love for life and respect for God. He has refused to abandon the country on numerous occasions, despite that State Security frequently tries to get him to leave through countless threats.
PDLI: Just a few years ago, when you were still living in Cuba, you carried out a non-violent march alongside your parents. Can you tell us a bit about this march? Did your family suffer impediments because of this? Would you say you achieved the objective of the march?
RV: In December of 2006, my father, mother, and I carried out a march which set out from Santiago de Cuba under the name of “March for Dignity”. With that march, we were demanding respect for human rights, freedom for all political prisoners, and that the violence against peaceful dissidents come to an end.
We were able to carry the march all the way to Ciego de Avila and that took us approximately two months due to the many arrests and interrogations we were subjected to. In February of 2007, my father was arrested once again but this time they unjustly sentenced him to 3 years of prison after a brief trial based on lies and false proof, accusing him of “anti-social dangerousness”. My mother and I decided to not continue the march without him.
After serving his total sentence of 3 years, he went right back to his dissident activities. He spent the last year and a half working as an independent journalist, setting up a human rights center in our house and supporting any activity, organization, protest, or other act against the tyranny which was at his reach.
PDLI: When did Ramon Velazquez begin his hunger strike? What are his reasons for initiating such a protest?
RV: Being one of the organizers of the current National Boitel and Zapata Live March in Cuba, he was detained by State Security at a bus station while he was trying to travel East, where the march would commence.
This occurred on September 9th, 2011 and since then he has been on hunger strike. When he was released on the 12th, they threatened to detain him again if he would just as much step out of his house. He was also told that they would use all their means to impede his participation in the march. That is why he decided to carry out a hunger strike as a form of protest. His main demands are that the right which Cubans have to march peacefully be respected, that ALL human rights be respected, and that a UN human rights inspector be allowed inside Cuba so that they can document and verify all the violations in this country.
PDLI: How is your father’s health at this moment?
RV: Health-wise, he is weak, with ailments which three years of prison have produced in him, along with a 16 day hunger strike which he carried out previously. However, his spiritual state is as strong as that of a titan. He is decided to take the strike to the final consequences, if the government does not give in to his demands.
PDLI: Do you have a message you’d like to share with readers in regards to the situation which your father is confronting?
RV: My message to those who read, hear, or know anything of what is happening in Cuba is a petition of solidarity, in whichever way possible so that we unmask and remove the Castro tyranny. We cannot allow so much human sacrifice, selflessness, and bravery from those who fight from inside to be in vain. We should unite forces and cross barriers. We have to make the suffering of Cubans our own, and support them. We are a family, and together we can achieve our goals.
More than anything, and on a more personal note, I ask for solidarity with my father. Please divulge the news of his situation, of his health, and that justice be demanded through every mean possible.
And don’t give up, for the day in which we achieve freedom is very near.
Laida A. Carro
Human Rights Defender / Coalition of Cuban-American Women / + 305 662-5947
Ramon Velazquez Toranzo
tel: + 53 53780863
SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Ramon Velazquez Toranzo is a Cuban dissident from the Eastern province of Las Tunas. He has suffered imprisonment, detainment, and threats due to his activism in defense of human rights, as well as for being an independent journalist. Towards the end of 2006, Velazquez headed “The March for Dignity” together with his wife and youngest daughter. The objective of the march was to walk throughout the island, passing all sorts of cities and towns on the way, demanding that the fundamental rights of Cubans be respected, and also, as the name suggests, so that the dignity of the Cuban people be respected. The march kicked off in Santiago de Cuba, in the sanctuary of the Virgin of Charity, and the family was able to traverse various provinces, but not without countless obstacles on behalf of the tyranny. They were finally impeded from continuing upon arriving at Ciego de Avila in January of 2007.
Today, Ramon Velazquez is on hunger strike, and his daughter Rufina Velazquez (now exiled in Miami) is asking for solidarity for her father and his protest. Rufina has explained that due to her families’ anti-government stance, she has difficulties in communicating with her father as often as she likes, considering that their phone line is commonly intercepted and e-mails are censured, while hand written letters often never arrive to her father’s hands.
Rufina answered some questions for ‘Pedazos de la Isla’, bringing us her father’s message and explaining the reasons as to why he has decided to carry out a hunger strike:
PDLI: Tell us a bit about your father, Ramon Velazquez.
RV: My father, Ramon Velazquez Toranzo, joined the opposition before I was born, in the late 80′s. He began his dissident activities as an independent journalist, with the goal of denouncing all the violations and atrocities suffered by our country. My father is a very determined person, and his love for Cuba is one of the things for which he lives and fights for each day, as well as his love for life and respect for God. He has refused to abandon the country on numerous occasions, despite that State Security frequently tries to get him to leave through countless threats.
PDLI: Just a few years ago, when you were still living in Cuba, you carried out a non-violent march alongside your parents. Can you tell us a bit about this march? Did your family suffer impediments because of this? Would you say you achieved the objective of the march?
RV: In December of 2006, my father, mother, and I carried out a march which set out from Santiago de Cuba under the name of “March for Dignity”. With that march, we were demanding respect for human rights, freedom for all political prisoners, and that the violence against peaceful dissidents come to an end.
We were able to carry the march all the way to Ciego de Avila and that took us approximately two months due to the many arrests and interrogations we were subjected to. In February of 2007, my father was arrested once again but this time they unjustly sentenced him to 3 years of prison after a brief trial based on lies and false proof, accusing him of “anti-social dangerousness”. My mother and I decided to not continue the march without him.
After serving his total sentence of 3 years, he went right back to his dissident activities. He spent the last year and a half working as an independent journalist, setting up a human rights center in our house and supporting any activity, organization, protest, or other act against the tyranny which was at his reach.
PDLI: When did Ramon Velazquez begin his hunger strike? What are his reasons for initiating such a protest?
RV: Being one of the organizers of the current National Boitel and Zapata Live March in Cuba, he was detained by State Security at a bus station while he was trying to travel East, where the march would commence.
This occurred on September 9th, 2011 and since then he has been on hunger strike. When he was released on the 12th, they threatened to detain him again if he would just as much step out of his house. He was also told that they would use all their means to impede his participation in the march. That is why he decided to carry out a hunger strike as a form of protest. His main demands are that the right which Cubans have to march peacefully be respected, that ALL human rights be respected, and that a UN human rights inspector be allowed inside Cuba so that they can document and verify all the violations in this country.
PDLI: How is your father’s health at this moment?
RV: Health-wise, he is weak, with ailments which three years of prison have produced in him, along with a 16 day hunger strike which he carried out previously. However, his spiritual state is as strong as that of a titan. He is decided to take the strike to the final consequences, if the government does not give in to his demands.
PDLI: Do you have a message you’d like to share with readers in regards to the situation which your father is confronting?
RV: My message to those who read, hear, or know anything of what is happening in Cuba is a petition of solidarity, in whichever way possible so that we unmask and remove the Castro tyranny. We cannot allow so much human sacrifice, selflessness, and bravery from those who fight from inside to be in vain. We should unite forces and cross barriers. We have to make the suffering of Cubans our own, and support them. We are a family, and together we can achieve our goals.
More than anything, and on a more personal note, I ask for solidarity with my father. Please divulge the news of his situation, of his health, and that justice be demanded through every mean possible.
And don’t give up, for the day in which we achieve freedom is very near.
CUBA: Harrassment, intimidation and arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders
Ex-political prisoners of conscience who were recently released a few months ago, Angel Moya and Librado Linares, continue under arrest since this past Thursday, September 15. Moya was previously arrested on Friday, Sept. 9 and released Monday Sept. 12. Guillermo Farinas was also detained with Moya in Santa Clara, and released the same day on Thursday, Sept. 15, as dozens of activists were also arrested throughout Cuba. Around 12 activists remain detained. The whereabouts of several are unknown.
The Cuban regimen is carrying out a crack down on human rights activists throughout the island to prevent their "National March for Freedom, Boitel Zapata Live", a civic organized march uniting many groups of the peaceful Cuban resistance. The march, which makes specific demands of fundamental freedoms for the people of Cuba, was to start from Eastern Cuba on Sept. 8, 2011, and due to the Cuban regime's repressive violence, eventually took off on Sept. 12. from Guantanamo. As the activists peacefully proceed forward walking from the East to the West of the island, with new marchers taking over in each province, Cuban authorities have thwarted their pilgrimage with violent arrests, intimidations and harassment. The activists vow that they will continue walking the streets of Cuba in spite of the brutal violence that Cuban authorities are subjecting them to.
The Cuban regime is using short term arbitrary detentions to intimidate and harass human rights defenders, accusing them of "public disorder", trying to stay clear of incarcerations that would elevate the numbers of Cuban prisoners of conscience.
This Sunday, September 19, The Ladies in White were harassed once more in Eastern Cuba by State Security agents, following their attendance to hear mass, at the Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba.
The Coalition of Cuban-American Women denounces and makes an urgent appeal before international public opinion concerning the escalation of brutal and aggressive acts by the Cuban government against a Cuban civil society that is peacefully demanding fundamental rights in the island. The lives of these Cubans are in danger and we hold Cuban authorities responsible for their physical and mental well-being.
Coalition of Cuban-American Women- / Laida A. Carro
Ex-political prisoners of conscience who were recently released a few months ago, Angel Moya and Librado Linares, continue under arrest since this past Thursday, September 15. Moya was previously arrested on Friday, Sept. 9 and released Monday Sept. 12. Guillermo Farinas was also detained with Moya in Santa Clara, and released the same day on Thursday, Sept. 15, as dozens of activists were also arrested throughout Cuba. Around 12 activists remain detained. The whereabouts of several are unknown.
The Cuban regimen is carrying out a crack down on human rights activists throughout the island to prevent their "National March for Freedom, Boitel Zapata Live", a civic organized march uniting many groups of the peaceful Cuban resistance. The march, which makes specific demands of fundamental freedoms for the people of Cuba, was to start from Eastern Cuba on Sept. 8, 2011, and due to the Cuban regime's repressive violence, eventually took off on Sept. 12. from Guantanamo. As the activists peacefully proceed forward walking from the East to the West of the island, with new marchers taking over in each province, Cuban authorities have thwarted their pilgrimage with violent arrests, intimidations and harassment. The activists vow that they will continue walking the streets of Cuba in spite of the brutal violence that Cuban authorities are subjecting them to.
The Cuban regime is using short term arbitrary detentions to intimidate and harass human rights defenders, accusing them of "public disorder", trying to stay clear of incarcerations that would elevate the numbers of Cuban prisoners of conscience.
This Sunday, September 19, The Ladies in White were harassed once more in Eastern Cuba by State Security agents, following their attendance to hear mass, at the Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba.
The Coalition of Cuban-American Women denounces and makes an urgent appeal before international public opinion concerning the escalation of brutal and aggressive acts by the Cuban government against a Cuban civil society that is peacefully demanding fundamental rights in the island. The lives of these Cubans are in danger and we hold Cuban authorities responsible for their physical and mental well-being.
Coalition of Cuban-American Women- / Laida A. Carro
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
La Resistencia Cubana inicia Marcha Nacional por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven” siguiendo ruta inspirada por la lucha independentista
Baracoa, Cuba. 12 de septiembre de 2011. Directorio Democrático Cubano. Integrantes de la Resistencia Cubana han iniciado la Marcha Nacional por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven”, partiendo desde la histórica playa de Duabas en Baracoa donde desembarcaron el General Antonio Maceo y Flor Crombet en 1895 durante la última Guerra de Independencia. La marcha se inicia con el fin de reclamar el respeto a los derechos humanos, el fin de la represión contra las fuerzas democráticas y la libertad sin destierro de todos los prisioneros políticos.
“La idea es transitar por los mismos senderos que lo hizo Maceo en la invasión de Oriente a Occidente, lo que en este caso, nosotros vamos a transmitir un mensaje de paz, de esperanza, de libertad y de reclamación a aquellos que nos han desgobernado durante medio siglo. De manera pacífica, vamos a transmitir el espíritu de que hoy, en estos tiempos, el pueblo cubano y la nación están requiriendo un espacio democrático y de libertad” declaró por vía telefónica a Radio República Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, coordinador de la Alianza Democrática Oriental y el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo.
Una veintena de activistas procedentes del Frente y otras organizaciones de la resistencia interna en Baracoa, Holguin y Guantánamo lograron comenzar la marcha pacífica. Varios otros no llegaron al punto de partida y se presumía que fueron detenidos durante la mañana.
La Marcha Nacional por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven” tomará como ruta la Carretera Central y no tiene como meta fecha de terminación.
“Deberá llevarse la llama esta hasta Mantua, por lo menos, Pinar del Río, en el Occidente de Cuba”, declaró Rodríguez Lobaina quien también anunció el inicio de la marcha en su cuenta de Twitter
Los objetivos de la marcha son:
1) Que el régimen de Cuba respete, promueva y publique la declaración universal de los derechos humanos, ratifique los pactos internacionales de estos derechos.
2) Que cese la represión contra la oposición y el pueblo de Cuba.
3) La libertad sin destierro para todos los presos políticos, la derogación del marco legal que propicia estos encarcelamientos.
Los participantes en la marcha denunciaron una fuerte presencia de los cuerpos represivos del régimen, movilizados para intentar frustrar esta acción de resistencia cívica.
“Vamos contra ese cordón, donde hay numerosos autos y fuerzas combinadas de la Seguridad del Estado y la Policía Nacional Represiva”, anuncio Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, antes de que se perdiera el contacto telefónico. Se presume que los participantes se encuentran detenidos.
Esta marcha por la libertad Boitel y Zapata Viven es la continuación de la promovida por el activista de derechos humanos Ramón Velázquez Toranzo el 10 de diciembre del 2006 y la organizan y promueven organizaciones de derechos humanos de la resistencia interna de Cuba, por la iniciativa del ex prisionero de conciencia Ángel Moya Acosta. Durante el fin de semana el propio Moya estuvo detenido junto al también ex prisionero de conciencia José Daniel Ferrer García.
La Resistencia Cubana inicia Marcha Nacional por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven” siguiendo ruta inspirada por la lucha independentista
Baracoa, Cuba. 12 de septiembre de 2011. Directorio Democrático Cubano. Integrantes de la Resistencia Cubana han iniciado la Marcha Nacional por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven”, partiendo desde la histórica playa de Duabas en Baracoa donde desembarcaron el General Antonio Maceo y Flor Crombet en 1895 durante la última Guerra de Independencia. La marcha se inicia con el fin de reclamar el respeto a los derechos humanos, el fin de la represión contra las fuerzas democráticas y la libertad sin destierro de todos los prisioneros políticos.
“La idea es transitar por los mismos senderos que lo hizo Maceo en la invasión de Oriente a Occidente, lo que en este caso, nosotros vamos a transmitir un mensaje de paz, de esperanza, de libertad y de reclamación a aquellos que nos han desgobernado durante medio siglo. De manera pacífica, vamos a transmitir el espíritu de que hoy, en estos tiempos, el pueblo cubano y la nación están requiriendo un espacio democrático y de libertad” declaró por vía telefónica a Radio República Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, coordinador de la Alianza Democrática Oriental y el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo.
Una veintena de activistas procedentes del Frente y otras organizaciones de la resistencia interna en Baracoa, Holguin y Guantánamo lograron comenzar la marcha pacífica. Varios otros no llegaron al punto de partida y se presumía que fueron detenidos durante la mañana.
La Marcha Nacional por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven” tomará como ruta la Carretera Central y no tiene como meta fecha de terminación.
“Deberá llevarse la llama esta hasta Mantua, por lo menos, Pinar del Río, en el Occidente de Cuba”, declaró Rodríguez Lobaina quien también anunció el inicio de la marcha en su cuenta de Twitter
Los objetivos de la marcha son:
1) Que el régimen de Cuba respete, promueva y publique la declaración universal de los derechos humanos, ratifique los pactos internacionales de estos derechos.
2) Que cese la represión contra la oposición y el pueblo de Cuba.
3) La libertad sin destierro para todos los presos políticos, la derogación del marco legal que propicia estos encarcelamientos.
Los participantes en la marcha denunciaron una fuerte presencia de los cuerpos represivos del régimen, movilizados para intentar frustrar esta acción de resistencia cívica.
“Vamos contra ese cordón, donde hay numerosos autos y fuerzas combinadas de la Seguridad del Estado y la Policía Nacional Represiva”, anuncio Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, antes de que se perdiera el contacto telefónico. Se presume que los participantes se encuentran detenidos.
Esta marcha por la libertad Boitel y Zapata Viven es la continuación de la promovida por el activista de derechos humanos Ramón Velázquez Toranzo el 10 de diciembre del 2006 y la organizan y promueven organizaciones de derechos humanos de la resistencia interna de Cuba, por la iniciativa del ex prisionero de conciencia Ángel Moya Acosta. Durante el fin de semana el propio Moya estuvo detenido junto al también ex prisionero de conciencia José Daniel Ferrer García.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Beatings Against Ladies in White continue / September 12, 2011
Cuban authorities informed Belkis Cantillo that she will be able to see her husband, ex-prisoner of conscience, Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, on Monday, September 12, 2011 for five minutes at the 3rd Police Unit in Santiago de Cuba. The whereabouts of Ferrer Garcia were unknown to his family since September 9 when he and three other human rights defenders were taken away from the house of Raudel Avila in Palma Soriano by two patrol cars. Also arrested were Angel Moya, another ex-prisoner of conscience, as well as Raumel Vinajera and Raudel Avila. All remain under arrest except Mr. Avila who was released on September 10.
These arrests were preceded by a call for all activists to participate in the “Marcha Nacional por la Libertad, Boitel Zapata Viven” that would advance from Eastern to Western Cuba to demand freedom for the island and was to begin on September 8, commemorative date when the Cuban people honor the Patroness of Cuba, “Our Lady of Charity.”
The government placed checkpoints throughout Cuba with the purpose of locating, repressing, and arresting activists. The following is a summary of some of the reported arrests and acts of repression:
Sept. 7, 2011 – Arrested in Guantanamo, from where the Marcha Nacional por la Libertad, “Boitel Zapata Viven” was supposed to take off, Rolando Rodriguez Lobaina, coordinator of the Alianza Democratica Oriental, group that is part of the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo. He was released hours later, Sept 7.
Sept. 8, 2011 – Arrested in Eastern Cuba: Reinaldo Rodriguez, Guillermo Cobas, Yimi Cantillo, Rene Hierrezuelo, Marino Antomarchit, Julio Cobas, Jose Batista Falcon, Hector Felix Labrada, Elena Garces, Carlos Alberto Reyes, Abraham Cabrera, William Cepeda, Prudencio Villalon. Of all these activists, it is certain that William Cepeda, Prudencio Villalon and Marino Antomarchit were released. In Camaguey, the activists Virgilio Mantilla, and Elicardo Freire were arrested.
Twenty two Ladies in White were violently intercepted and forced into a bus after attending mass at the Sanctuary of “Our Lady of Charity”, in the town of “El Cobre”, in Eastern Cuba, and were later released in different locations. Some had to walk kilometers to their homes. The women are: Laura Pollan and her daughter, Laura Labrada Pollan, Aimee Garces, Belkis Cantillo, Tania Montoya, Yoelis Gonzalez Pavon, Mildred Noemi Sanchez Infante, Julia Cairo, Milagros Lieva, Maritza Cardoso, Yanelis Despaign, Annis Sarrion, Julia Casanova, Doraisa Correoso, Annia Alegre Pecora, Liusmila Rodriguez, Yanisleidis Rodriguez,Yusileisis Vazquez, Vivian Peña, Eudice M. Fernandez, Luz Maria Parada, Juana I. Parada.
As reported by Mildred Sanchez, she and two other women who were on their way to participate in the mass at the Sanctuary of “Our Lady of Charity” with the Ladies in White, were intercepted by the police and taken to the town of Baragua where they were subjected to an “act of repudiation”. They were beaten and insulted by a mob. Mildred fainted and had to be taken to a hospital to be treated for the physical and psychological traumas.
Sept. 9, 2011 – Activists arrested in Eastern Cuba: Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, Angel Moya, Raumel Vinajera, Tania Montoya, Francisco Castellanos, and Maximiliano Sanchez. The latter two have been released.
Marta Diaz Rondon was beaten, detained and released with threats from the police that she cannot leave her house in Banes.
In Havana, the ex-prisoner of conscience, Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique, 69 years of age, was arrested in the vicinity of a Pentecostal Temple that the police has surrounded since Friday, for reasons not yet clear. The Pastor and more than 70 members of this church will not come out of the building. Lauzurique was taken handcuffed to the police station of Zanja and Dragones, where he was interrogated and his camera and cell phone confiscated. He was released around 2:30 a.m. when he had to walk 3 kms. to his get to his home.
Sept. 11, 2011 – Arrested in Holguin, human rights defender, Caridad Caballero Batista with her husband, Esteban Sander and two other activists.
Six activists who were violently arrested on August 28, 2011, following a raid with tear gas to the home of Marino Antomarchit have been acused of “disorderly conduct” and the Provincial Court of Santiago de Cuba has placed them under “provisional imprisonment”. They are: Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya, Bismarck Mustelier Galán, José Enrique Martínez Ferrer, Alexis Aguirrezábal Rodríguez, Alexis Kuan Jerez and Víctor Campa Almenares. Nibaldo Amelo Ramirez, coordinator in eastern Cuba of the organization, “Cuba Independiente y Democratica”, under the umbrella, Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo, and who was also part of this group of activists arrested on August 28, 2011, was released from the hospital where he was treated for affectations following the raid and is presently under house arrest.
The Cuban regime continues its pattern of escalating violence against the peaceful human rights defenders who demand fundamental freedoms in the island. The Coalition of Cuban-American Women makes an urgent call to the press and to non-governmental organizations dedicated to the defense of human rights worldwide, as well as to individuals in positions of leadership in religious, political, educational, social, and cultural institutions to denounce these cruel and degrading acts committed by the Cuban regime against its own people.
FURTHER INFORMATION IN CUBA: Belkis Cantillo + 53 53790867 / Berta Soler + 53 52906820 / Marino Antomarchit - + 53 53361741 / Laura Pollan + 53 7 8734165 or + 53 5 2457830
INFO IN SPAIN : Luis Enrique Ferrer Garcia + 34 - 691 803 955
Coalition of Cuban-American Women / Laida A, Carro /
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Haga clic aquí:
Haga clic aquí:
Friday, September 09, 2011
Para mayor información: Janisset Rivero / Aramís L. Pérez - (305) 220-2713
Recrudece represión política en el Oriente de Cuba. Marcha por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven” se realizará
Cuba. 8 de septiembre de 2011. Directorio Democrático Cubano.
En horas del mediodía de este 8 de septiembre, en los predios del Santuario de El Cobre en Santiago de Cuba, veintidós mujeres Damas de Blanco fueron detenidas violentamente por fuerzas represivas del régimen castrista. La información de esta represión la confirmó el ex prisionero de conciencia José Daniel Ferrer García de la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, desde Palma Soriano.
Al mismo tiempo se supo de la detención de Marino Antomarchit Rivero y Reynaldo Rodríguez Martínez, ambos miembros del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo en Palma Soriano. En la Ciudad de Camagüey reportaron la detención de Virgilio Mantilla Arango y Elicardo Freire, ambos de la Unidad Camagüeyana por los Derechos Humanos, también perteneciente al Frente.
Por otro lado, Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina coordinador de la Alianza Democrática Oriental y del Frente, fue detenido en la ciudad de Guantánamo en horas de la madrugada y excarcelado en la mañana de este 8 de septiembre. El objetivo de su detención fue intentar impedir el inicio de la Marcha por la Libertad Boitel y Zapata Viven, programada para ser iniciada este 8 de septiembre en la Ciudad de Guantánamo y que será continuada en cada una de las provincias del país de Oriente a Occidente.
“Ya es abierta la iniciativa de realizar una marcha pacífica organizada por el movimiento interno. Son conocidas las amenazas del régimen a través de detenciones a activistas. Quiero transmitir a los compatriotas de acuerdo a la responsabilidad que se me ha asignado y que he asumido, que la marcha tiene sentido, y como quiera que sea la marcha va,” afirmó Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina desde Guantánamo al Directorio Democrático Cubano.
Asimismo el activista ratificó la importancia de continuar la lucha cívica no violenta hasta lograr la libertad y el fin del régimen totalitario.
“Quiero también llamar la atención de no perder el espíritu pacífico de nuestra lucha. […] Bajo ningún concepto puede perderse el espíritu de la no violencia que es nuestra arma fundamental para socavar el régimen totalitario y la dictadura impuesta en la Isla hace más de medio silgo. Ese sentido, esa razón que nos justifica de reclamar todos los derechos de todos los cubanos, durante muchos años violados y censurados, ese es el key de la victoria. […] Es la hora de decir adelante cubano,” declaró Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina desde Guantánamo al Directorio Democrático Cubano.
Mientras, en la ciudad de Banes, Holguín, Marta Díaz Rondón junto a un grupo de miembros del Frente de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo se dieron cita en el lugar donde yacían los restos de Zapata para comprobar que el régimen comunista había destruido el lugar dejando solamente la tierra rasa. Allí, sin embargo los integrantes de la Resistencia realizaron un acto simbólico público como parte inicial de la Marcha por la Libertad que lleva su nombre.
Recrudece represión política en el Oriente de Cuba. Marcha por la Libertad “Boitel y Zapata Viven” se realizará
Cuba. 8 de septiembre de 2011. Directorio Democrático Cubano.
En horas del mediodía de este 8 de septiembre, en los predios del Santuario de El Cobre en Santiago de Cuba, veintidós mujeres Damas de Blanco fueron detenidas violentamente por fuerzas represivas del régimen castrista. La información de esta represión la confirmó el ex prisionero de conciencia José Daniel Ferrer García de la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, desde Palma Soriano.
Al mismo tiempo se supo de la detención de Marino Antomarchit Rivero y Reynaldo Rodríguez Martínez, ambos miembros del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo en Palma Soriano. En la Ciudad de Camagüey reportaron la detención de Virgilio Mantilla Arango y Elicardo Freire, ambos de la Unidad Camagüeyana por los Derechos Humanos, también perteneciente al Frente.
Por otro lado, Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina coordinador de la Alianza Democrática Oriental y del Frente, fue detenido en la ciudad de Guantánamo en horas de la madrugada y excarcelado en la mañana de este 8 de septiembre. El objetivo de su detención fue intentar impedir el inicio de la Marcha por la Libertad Boitel y Zapata Viven, programada para ser iniciada este 8 de septiembre en la Ciudad de Guantánamo y que será continuada en cada una de las provincias del país de Oriente a Occidente.
“Ya es abierta la iniciativa de realizar una marcha pacífica organizada por el movimiento interno. Son conocidas las amenazas del régimen a través de detenciones a activistas. Quiero transmitir a los compatriotas de acuerdo a la responsabilidad que se me ha asignado y que he asumido, que la marcha tiene sentido, y como quiera que sea la marcha va,” afirmó Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina desde Guantánamo al Directorio Democrático Cubano.
Asimismo el activista ratificó la importancia de continuar la lucha cívica no violenta hasta lograr la libertad y el fin del régimen totalitario.
“Quiero también llamar la atención de no perder el espíritu pacífico de nuestra lucha. […] Bajo ningún concepto puede perderse el espíritu de la no violencia que es nuestra arma fundamental para socavar el régimen totalitario y la dictadura impuesta en la Isla hace más de medio silgo. Ese sentido, esa razón que nos justifica de reclamar todos los derechos de todos los cubanos, durante muchos años violados y censurados, ese es el key de la victoria. […] Es la hora de decir adelante cubano,” declaró Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina desde Guantánamo al Directorio Democrático Cubano.
Mientras, en la ciudad de Banes, Holguín, Marta Díaz Rondón junto a un grupo de miembros del Frente de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo se dieron cita en el lugar donde yacían los restos de Zapata para comprobar que el régimen comunista había destruido el lugar dejando solamente la tierra rasa. Allí, sin embargo los integrantes de la Resistencia realizaron un acto simbólico público como parte inicial de la Marcha por la Libertad que lleva su nombre.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
CUBA:Entrevista a mujeres que protestaron en el Capitolio de La Habana
CUBA: Entrevista hecha en la isla a mujeres que protestaron en el Capitolio de La Habana
Video clandestino de la protesta de cuatro mujeres, defensoras de los derechos humanos, el 23 de agosto, 2011 en el Capitolio de La Habana, Cuba:
Video clandestino de la protesta de cuatro mujeres, defensoras de los derechos humanos, el 23 de agosto, 2011 en el Capitolio de La Habana, Cuba:
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Subj: Cuba – Represión violenta continuada contra defensores de los derechos humanos durante manifestaciones pacíficas, preocupación en vista de futuras manifestaciones/ Ongoing brutal crackdown on human rights defenders during peaceful demonstrations, continues.
(see English version below)
6 de septiembre de 2011
Cuba - Represión violenta continuada contra defensores de los derechos humanos durante manifestaciones pacíficas, preocupación en vista de futuras manifestaciones
Desde el 17 de julio de 2011, por lo menos setenta defensores de los derechos humanos han sido víctima de ataques físicos, hostigamiento, arrestos y detenciones al ejercer su derecho legítimo a manifestarse pacíficamente para pedir la libertad de los presos políticos en Cuba. Según se informa, estos ataques forman parte de una drástica ofensiva orquestada por fuerzas de seguridad del Gobierno de Cuba operando bajo los auspicios del Ministerio del Interior. Front Line manifesta su profunda preocupación ante posibles ataques similares contra defensores de los derechos humanos durante manifestaciones futuras. El 10 de agosto de 2011 Front Line publicó un llamamiento urgente tras un asalto contra miembros de Damas de Blanco, perpetrado por grupos cercanos al gobierno y agentes de policía el 7 de agosto de 2011 en Santiago de Cuba y Palmarito de Cauto, en la provincia Occidental de Cuba. Damas de Blanco es una organización de derechos humanos que lucha por la libertad de los presos políticos en Cuba.
El 4 de septiembre de 2011, onze miembros de Damas de Blanco fueron detenidos en dos ciudades en la provincia de Matanzas; cinco en Colón y seis en Cárdenas. Entre los detenidos se encuentran Laura Pollán, Sara Marta Fonseca, Yaneris Pérez Rey, Mercedes Evelin, Teresa Castellanos, Rosario Morales y Leticia Ramos Herrería, quienes fueron liberadas la misma tarde. Según la información recibida María Teresa Castellanos, Mayra Morejón, Caridad Brunate Gómez e Ivonne Mayesa siguen detenidas.
Entre el 26 y el 28 de agosto de 2011, numerosos manifestantes fueron arrestados y detenidos en varias comisarías de policía de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, al intentar manifestarse pacíficamente, pidiendo la libertad de presos políticos. La policía antidisturbios habría utilizado gas lacrimógeno y agredido violentamente a los manifestantes, antes de llevarles a centros de detención. Se informa que varios de los detenidos sufrieron heridas graves en la cabeza y requirieron puntos de sutura, mientras otros vomitaron sangre y sufrieron mareos a consequencia del gas lacrimógeno. Aunque los detenidos recibieron atención médica, no se les permitió comunicarse con sus familias o representantes legales.
La mayoría de los detenidos han sido liberados durante los últimos dias. No obstante Front Line ha recibido información sobre siete defensores de derechos humanos, así como tres familiares quienes seguían detenidos a fecha de 4 de septiembre: Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya, Bismarck Mustelier Galán, José Enrique Martínez Ferrer, Nivaldo Amelo Ramírez, Alexis Aguirrezábal Rodríguez, Alexis Yachoi Kuan Jerez y Víctor Campa Almenares. Todos son miembros del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo. El 28 de agosto de 2011 se encontraban en el domicilio del ex preso político y miembro de la Secretariat del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Marino Antomarchit Rivero, en Palma Soriano, cuando agentes de policía realizaron una redada en dicho domicilio. La madre de Marino Antomarchit Rivero y su hija de dos años se encontraban en la casa en el momento en que empezó la redada. La niña fue sacada de la casa por la ventana para evitar que presenciara los hechos. Miembros de la policía antidisturbios destruyeron los muebles y robaron los ahorros de la familia. Se informa que los agentes confiscaron dos ordenadores, un teléfono celular, cámaras, llaves USB y discos duros. Segun la información recibida, 27 de las personas presente fueron arestadas en el momento. La reunión había sido organizada en coordinación con la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, una organización fundada recientemente por el ex preso político José Daniel Ferrer García
Marino Antomarchit Rivero junto con los también defensores de los derechos humanos, Jorge Cervantes y Guillermo Cobas habían sido detenidos el 26 de agosto de 2011, por lo que no se encontraban en el domicilio durante la redada policial. Actualmente se encontrarían ya en libertad.
El 28 de agosto de 2011, se organizó una reunión en la que participaron 13 defensoras de los derechos humanos en el domicilio de Aimeé Garcés Leyva. Las mujeres, miembros de Damas de Blanco pretendían asistir a misa en la catedral de Santiago de Cuba, antes de manifestarse pacíficamente en las calles cercanas. La vivienda fue rodeada por patrullas de policía y agentes quienes accedieron a la vivienda, sacaron las mujeres, las agredieron y retorcieron sus brazos. Tania Montoya requirió atención médica como consecuencia de las heridas que le fueron provocadas durante el asalto. Las mujeres fueron obligadas a subir a un autobús y fueron trasladadas a pueblos cercanos en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba dónde fueron liberadas. El 27 de agosto del 2011, dos miembros de las Damas de Blanco, Caridad Caballero Batista y Marta Díaz Rondón fueron agredidas y acosadas sexualmente antes de ser detenidas por la policía mientras se dirigían al domicilio de Aimeé Garcés Leyva en la Palma Soriano. Caridad Caballero Batista sufrió una fractura en un dedo y ambas mostraban numerosos moretones al ser liberadas de la comisaría de Bayamo el mismo día.
Las manifestaciones organizadas en las localidades de El Cobre y Palma Soriano también fueron violentamente reprimidas por las fuerzas de seguridad del Gobierno.
En vista de los informes sobre la continuada represión violenta, Front Line manifiesta su preocupación por la integridad física y psicológica, y la seguridad de los miembros de Damas de Blanco, el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo y la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, así como de otras organizaciones que participan en las manifestaciones pacíficas. Front Line considera que los defensores de los derechos humanos mencionados han sido victimizados únicamente como consecuencia de su labor legítima en la defensa de los derechos humanos y manifiesta su grave preocupación ante la posibilidad de que estos ataques puedan repetirse en las próximas semanas.
Front Line insta a las autoridades cubanas a que:
Liberen inmediatamente a los defensores de derechos humanos que siguen detenidos dado que Front Line considera que su detención ha resultado únicamente de sus actividades legítimas de defensa de los derechos humanos y su participación en manifestaciones pacíficas;
Cesen inmediatamente todos los ataques contra miembros de las Damas de Blanco, el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo y la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, así como otras organizaciones de derechos humanos que también participan en manifestaciones pacíficas, y que les permitan ejercitar su derecho legítimo de libertad de opinión y expresión, de conformidad con la legislación internacional;
Tomen todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar en todo momento la integridad física y psicológica de los miembros de las mencionadas organizaciones;
Aseguren que todos los defensores de derechos humanos en Cuba, desarrollando sus actividades legítimas en defensa de los derechos humanos, puedan operar libremente sin miedo a restricciones ni represalias.
6 September 2011
Cuba - Ongoing brutal crackdown on human rights defenders during peaceful demonstrations, concern grows as more protests are planned
Since 17 July 2011, as many as seventy human rights defenders have been subjected to physical attacks, harassment, arrests and detentions while exercising their legitimate right to hold peaceful demonstrations calling for the release of political prisoners in Cuba. It is believed that these attacks form part of a brutal crackdown orchestrated by Cuban Government forces working under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior. Front Line expresses deep concern that similar attacks may be perpetrated against human rights defenders during similar demonstrations. Front Line previously issued an urgent appeal on 10 August 2011 following assaults on members of Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) by pro-Government groups and police officers on 7 August 2011 in Santiago de Cuba and Palmarito de Cauto, in the eastern province of Cuba. Damas de Blanco is a human rights organisation which advocates for the release of political prisoners in Cuba.
On 4 September 2011 eleven members of Damas de Blanco were detained in two cities in Matanzas province; 5 in Colon and 6 in Cardenas. Amongst the detained women were: Laura Pollán, Sara Marta Fonseca, Yaneris Perez Rey, Mercedes Evelin, Teresa Castellanos, Rosario Morales and Leticia Ramos Herreria, all of whom were released that evening. It is believed that María Teresa Castellanos, Mayra Morejon, Caridad Brunate Gómez, and Ivonne Mayesa remain in detention.
Between 26 and 28 August 2011, many protestors were arrested and held at various police stations throughout the province of Santiago de Cuba while attempting to hold peaceful demonstrations calling for the release of political prisoners. Specialised riot police used tear gas and violently beat protestors before taking them away to detention centres. It is reported that many of those detained suffered serious head injuries and required stitches, while others reportedly vomited up blood and fainted as a result of exposure to tear gas. Whilst those injured did receive medical attention they were not allowed to contact their families or legal representatives.
Although the majority of those arrested were released over the last number of days, Front Line has been informed of the names of seven human rights defenders, plus 3 relatives, who remain in detention as of 4 September: Messrs Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya, Bismarck Mustelier Galán, José Enrique Martínez Ferrer, Nivaldo Amelo Ramírez, Alexis Aguirrezabal Rodríguez, Alexis Yachoi Kuan Jerez and Víctor Campa Almenares. All seven are members of the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo (National Front of Civil Resistance Orlando Zapata Tamayo). They had been in the home of ex-political prisoner and member of the Secretariat of the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Mr Marino Antomarchit Rivero, in Palma Soriano on 28 August 2011 when police raided it. Marino Antomarchit Rivero's mother, wife, and two-year-old daughter were in the house at the time of the raid. His daughter was taken out through the window so as to avoid being caught up in the raid. Riot police destroyed the furniture in the house and stole the family's savings. It is further reported that police officers confiscated two computers, mobile phones, cameras, memory flash drives, notebooks, and hard drives. It is reported that 27 of those present were arrested at the time. The meeting had been organised in coordination with the Unión Patriótica de Cuba (Patriotic Union of Cuba), an organisation that has recently been founded by former political prisoner Mr José Daniel Ferrer García.
Marino Antomarchit Rivero, along with human rights defenders Messrs Jorge Cervantes and Guillermo Cobas, had been previously arrested on 26 August 2011, and therefore were not in the house at the time, although they have since been released.
On 28 August 2011, 13 women human rights defenders gathered at the home of Ms Aimeé Garcés Leyva. The women, who are members of Damas de Blanco, had planned to attend mass at the Santiago de Cuba cathedral, and afterwards hold a peaceful protest in the nearby streets. The house where they had gathered was surrounded by police cars and officers who subsequently entered the house, removed the women and beat them and twisted their arms. Ms Tania Montoya required medical attention as a result of an injury to her arm sustained in the beating. The women were placed on police buses which were then driven to nearby towns in the Province of Santiago de Cuba where they were released. On 27 August 2011 two members of Damas de Blanco, Ms Caridad Caballero Batista and Ms Marta Diaz Rondon, were beaten and sexually harassed, then detained, by police as they made their way to Aimeé Garcés Leyva's home in Palma Soriano. The former suffered a fractured finger and both women were covered in bruises upon their release from the police station in Bayamo the same day.
Protests in the towns of El Cobre and Palmarita Soriano were also violently repressed by Government forces.
Front Line is concerned for the physical and psychological integrity and security of the members of Damas de Blanco, Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Unión Patriótica de Cuba and all other human rights organisations involved in peaceful protest actions, considering reports of ongoing brutal crackdown against them. Front Line believes that the human right defenders have been targeted solely as a result of their legitimate work in the defence of human rights and expresses deep concern that these assaults may be repeated over the coming weeks.
Front Line urges the authorities in Cuba to:
Immediately release those human rights defenders who remain in detention as Front Line believes that they have been detained solely as a result of their legitimate human rights work and their involvement in recent peaceful protests;
Immediately cease all attacks against members of Damas de Blanco, Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Unión Patriótica de Cuba and all other human rights organisations involved in peaceful protest actions, allowing them to exercise their legitimate right to freedom of opinion and expression as enshrined in international law;
Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity and security of all members of the abovementioned organisations;
Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Cuba are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.
(see English version below)
6 de septiembre de 2011
Cuba - Represión violenta continuada contra defensores de los derechos humanos durante manifestaciones pacíficas, preocupación en vista de futuras manifestaciones
Desde el 17 de julio de 2011, por lo menos setenta defensores de los derechos humanos han sido víctima de ataques físicos, hostigamiento, arrestos y detenciones al ejercer su derecho legítimo a manifestarse pacíficamente para pedir la libertad de los presos políticos en Cuba. Según se informa, estos ataques forman parte de una drástica ofensiva orquestada por fuerzas de seguridad del Gobierno de Cuba operando bajo los auspicios del Ministerio del Interior. Front Line manifesta su profunda preocupación ante posibles ataques similares contra defensores de los derechos humanos durante manifestaciones futuras. El 10 de agosto de 2011 Front Line publicó un llamamiento urgente tras un asalto contra miembros de Damas de Blanco, perpetrado por grupos cercanos al gobierno y agentes de policía el 7 de agosto de 2011 en Santiago de Cuba y Palmarito de Cauto, en la provincia Occidental de Cuba. Damas de Blanco es una organización de derechos humanos que lucha por la libertad de los presos políticos en Cuba.
El 4 de septiembre de 2011, onze miembros de Damas de Blanco fueron detenidos en dos ciudades en la provincia de Matanzas; cinco en Colón y seis en Cárdenas. Entre los detenidos se encuentran Laura Pollán, Sara Marta Fonseca, Yaneris Pérez Rey, Mercedes Evelin, Teresa Castellanos, Rosario Morales y Leticia Ramos Herrería, quienes fueron liberadas la misma tarde. Según la información recibida María Teresa Castellanos, Mayra Morejón, Caridad Brunate Gómez e Ivonne Mayesa siguen detenidas.
Entre el 26 y el 28 de agosto de 2011, numerosos manifestantes fueron arrestados y detenidos en varias comisarías de policía de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, al intentar manifestarse pacíficamente, pidiendo la libertad de presos políticos. La policía antidisturbios habría utilizado gas lacrimógeno y agredido violentamente a los manifestantes, antes de llevarles a centros de detención. Se informa que varios de los detenidos sufrieron heridas graves en la cabeza y requirieron puntos de sutura, mientras otros vomitaron sangre y sufrieron mareos a consequencia del gas lacrimógeno. Aunque los detenidos recibieron atención médica, no se les permitió comunicarse con sus familias o representantes legales.
La mayoría de los detenidos han sido liberados durante los últimos dias. No obstante Front Line ha recibido información sobre siete defensores de derechos humanos, así como tres familiares quienes seguían detenidos a fecha de 4 de septiembre: Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya, Bismarck Mustelier Galán, José Enrique Martínez Ferrer, Nivaldo Amelo Ramírez, Alexis Aguirrezábal Rodríguez, Alexis Yachoi Kuan Jerez y Víctor Campa Almenares. Todos son miembros del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo. El 28 de agosto de 2011 se encontraban en el domicilio del ex preso político y miembro de la Secretariat del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Marino Antomarchit Rivero, en Palma Soriano, cuando agentes de policía realizaron una redada en dicho domicilio. La madre de Marino Antomarchit Rivero y su hija de dos años se encontraban en la casa en el momento en que empezó la redada. La niña fue sacada de la casa por la ventana para evitar que presenciara los hechos. Miembros de la policía antidisturbios destruyeron los muebles y robaron los ahorros de la familia. Se informa que los agentes confiscaron dos ordenadores, un teléfono celular, cámaras, llaves USB y discos duros. Segun la información recibida, 27 de las personas presente fueron arestadas en el momento. La reunión había sido organizada en coordinación con la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, una organización fundada recientemente por el ex preso político José Daniel Ferrer García
Marino Antomarchit Rivero junto con los también defensores de los derechos humanos, Jorge Cervantes y Guillermo Cobas habían sido detenidos el 26 de agosto de 2011, por lo que no se encontraban en el domicilio durante la redada policial. Actualmente se encontrarían ya en libertad.
El 28 de agosto de 2011, se organizó una reunión en la que participaron 13 defensoras de los derechos humanos en el domicilio de Aimeé Garcés Leyva. Las mujeres, miembros de Damas de Blanco pretendían asistir a misa en la catedral de Santiago de Cuba, antes de manifestarse pacíficamente en las calles cercanas. La vivienda fue rodeada por patrullas de policía y agentes quienes accedieron a la vivienda, sacaron las mujeres, las agredieron y retorcieron sus brazos. Tania Montoya requirió atención médica como consecuencia de las heridas que le fueron provocadas durante el asalto. Las mujeres fueron obligadas a subir a un autobús y fueron trasladadas a pueblos cercanos en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba dónde fueron liberadas. El 27 de agosto del 2011, dos miembros de las Damas de Blanco, Caridad Caballero Batista y Marta Díaz Rondón fueron agredidas y acosadas sexualmente antes de ser detenidas por la policía mientras se dirigían al domicilio de Aimeé Garcés Leyva en la Palma Soriano. Caridad Caballero Batista sufrió una fractura en un dedo y ambas mostraban numerosos moretones al ser liberadas de la comisaría de Bayamo el mismo día.
Las manifestaciones organizadas en las localidades de El Cobre y Palma Soriano también fueron violentamente reprimidas por las fuerzas de seguridad del Gobierno.
En vista de los informes sobre la continuada represión violenta, Front Line manifiesta su preocupación por la integridad física y psicológica, y la seguridad de los miembros de Damas de Blanco, el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo y la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, así como de otras organizaciones que participan en las manifestaciones pacíficas. Front Line considera que los defensores de los derechos humanos mencionados han sido victimizados únicamente como consecuencia de su labor legítima en la defensa de los derechos humanos y manifiesta su grave preocupación ante la posibilidad de que estos ataques puedan repetirse en las próximas semanas.
Front Line insta a las autoridades cubanas a que:
Liberen inmediatamente a los defensores de derechos humanos que siguen detenidos dado que Front Line considera que su detención ha resultado únicamente de sus actividades legítimas de defensa de los derechos humanos y su participación en manifestaciones pacíficas;
Cesen inmediatamente todos los ataques contra miembros de las Damas de Blanco, el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo y la Unión Patriótica de Cuba, así como otras organizaciones de derechos humanos que también participan en manifestaciones pacíficas, y que les permitan ejercitar su derecho legítimo de libertad de opinión y expresión, de conformidad con la legislación internacional;
Tomen todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar en todo momento la integridad física y psicológica de los miembros de las mencionadas organizaciones;
Aseguren que todos los defensores de derechos humanos en Cuba, desarrollando sus actividades legítimas en defensa de los derechos humanos, puedan operar libremente sin miedo a restricciones ni represalias.
6 September 2011
Cuba - Ongoing brutal crackdown on human rights defenders during peaceful demonstrations, concern grows as more protests are planned
Since 17 July 2011, as many as seventy human rights defenders have been subjected to physical attacks, harassment, arrests and detentions while exercising their legitimate right to hold peaceful demonstrations calling for the release of political prisoners in Cuba. It is believed that these attacks form part of a brutal crackdown orchestrated by Cuban Government forces working under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior. Front Line expresses deep concern that similar attacks may be perpetrated against human rights defenders during similar demonstrations. Front Line previously issued an urgent appeal on 10 August 2011 following assaults on members of Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) by pro-Government groups and police officers on 7 August 2011 in Santiago de Cuba and Palmarito de Cauto, in the eastern province of Cuba. Damas de Blanco is a human rights organisation which advocates for the release of political prisoners in Cuba.
On 4 September 2011 eleven members of Damas de Blanco were detained in two cities in Matanzas province; 5 in Colon and 6 in Cardenas. Amongst the detained women were: Laura Pollán, Sara Marta Fonseca, Yaneris Perez Rey, Mercedes Evelin, Teresa Castellanos, Rosario Morales and Leticia Ramos Herreria, all of whom were released that evening. It is believed that María Teresa Castellanos, Mayra Morejon, Caridad Brunate Gómez, and Ivonne Mayesa remain in detention.
Between 26 and 28 August 2011, many protestors were arrested and held at various police stations throughout the province of Santiago de Cuba while attempting to hold peaceful demonstrations calling for the release of political prisoners. Specialised riot police used tear gas and violently beat protestors before taking them away to detention centres. It is reported that many of those detained suffered serious head injuries and required stitches, while others reportedly vomited up blood and fainted as a result of exposure to tear gas. Whilst those injured did receive medical attention they were not allowed to contact their families or legal representatives.
Although the majority of those arrested were released over the last number of days, Front Line has been informed of the names of seven human rights defenders, plus 3 relatives, who remain in detention as of 4 September: Messrs Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya, Bismarck Mustelier Galán, José Enrique Martínez Ferrer, Nivaldo Amelo Ramírez, Alexis Aguirrezabal Rodríguez, Alexis Yachoi Kuan Jerez and Víctor Campa Almenares. All seven are members of the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo (National Front of Civil Resistance Orlando Zapata Tamayo). They had been in the home of ex-political prisoner and member of the Secretariat of the Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Mr Marino Antomarchit Rivero, in Palma Soriano on 28 August 2011 when police raided it. Marino Antomarchit Rivero's mother, wife, and two-year-old daughter were in the house at the time of the raid. His daughter was taken out through the window so as to avoid being caught up in the raid. Riot police destroyed the furniture in the house and stole the family's savings. It is further reported that police officers confiscated two computers, mobile phones, cameras, memory flash drives, notebooks, and hard drives. It is reported that 27 of those present were arrested at the time. The meeting had been organised in coordination with the Unión Patriótica de Cuba (Patriotic Union of Cuba), an organisation that has recently been founded by former political prisoner Mr José Daniel Ferrer García.
Marino Antomarchit Rivero, along with human rights defenders Messrs Jorge Cervantes and Guillermo Cobas, had been previously arrested on 26 August 2011, and therefore were not in the house at the time, although they have since been released.
On 28 August 2011, 13 women human rights defenders gathered at the home of Ms Aimeé Garcés Leyva. The women, who are members of Damas de Blanco, had planned to attend mass at the Santiago de Cuba cathedral, and afterwards hold a peaceful protest in the nearby streets. The house where they had gathered was surrounded by police cars and officers who subsequently entered the house, removed the women and beat them and twisted their arms. Ms Tania Montoya required medical attention as a result of an injury to her arm sustained in the beating. The women were placed on police buses which were then driven to nearby towns in the Province of Santiago de Cuba where they were released. On 27 August 2011 two members of Damas de Blanco, Ms Caridad Caballero Batista and Ms Marta Diaz Rondon, were beaten and sexually harassed, then detained, by police as they made their way to Aimeé Garcés Leyva's home in Palma Soriano. The former suffered a fractured finger and both women were covered in bruises upon their release from the police station in Bayamo the same day.
Protests in the towns of El Cobre and Palmarita Soriano were also violently repressed by Government forces.
Front Line is concerned for the physical and psychological integrity and security of the members of Damas de Blanco, Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Unión Patriótica de Cuba and all other human rights organisations involved in peaceful protest actions, considering reports of ongoing brutal crackdown against them. Front Line believes that the human right defenders have been targeted solely as a result of their legitimate work in the defence of human rights and expresses deep concern that these assaults may be repeated over the coming weeks.
Front Line urges the authorities in Cuba to:
Immediately release those human rights defenders who remain in detention as Front Line believes that they have been detained solely as a result of their legitimate human rights work and their involvement in recent peaceful protests;
Immediately cease all attacks against members of Damas de Blanco, Frente Nacional de Resistencia Civica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Unión Patriótica de Cuba and all other human rights organisations involved in peaceful protest actions, allowing them to exercise their legitimate right to freedom of opinion and expression as enshrined in international law;
Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity and security of all members of the abovementioned organisations;
Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Cuba are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.
Desde julio pasado el Gobierno mantiene una campaña de hostigamiento contra las mujeres, cuyas actividades se han extendido de La Habana a otras provincias del país 05 de septiembre de 2011

Foto: Reuters
Sara Marta Fonseca Quevedo, vocera del Frente de Resistencia Cívica y Desobediencia Civil Orlando Zapata Tamayo.
Sara Marta declaró a Radio Martí que siete opositores fueron detenidos violentamente en Colón cuando se dirigían a la Iglesia para apoyar a las Damas Blanco, que pensaban realizar una caminata por la ciudad tras finalizar la misa.
“Estoy toda golpeada (…) a mí me trasladaron a un carro patrullero directamente hasta La Habana (…). Estoy dando por desaparecidos a todos estos hermanos”, señaló.
La Dama de Apoyo dijo que hasta el lunes 5 de septiembre continuaban detenidos: María Teresa Castellanos, Caridad Burunate Gómez, Julio Ignacio León Pérez, Francisco Rangel Manzano, Carlos Olivera Martínez y Lázaro Díaz.
Audio: Sara Marta Fonseca, entrevistada por la periodista de Radio Martí, Ada Balda
Mientras tanto en Cárdenas, en el norte de la provincia, Leticia Ramos y otras cinco integrantes de las Damas de Blanco o Damas de Apoyo fueron retenidas en sus viviendas.
La líder de las Damas de Blanco, Laura Pollán fue detenida el domingo en Colón y liberada varias horas después en La Habana mientras Leticia Ramos Herrería era vigilada en su casa en Cárdenas, Matanzas, por agentes del Gobierno.
Desde La Habana, la Dama de Blanco Berta Soler declaró: “Quiero decirles que nosotras (…) cada día estamos más fuertes para seguir esta lucha pacífica por la libertad de los presos políticos”.
En La Habana, las Damas de Blanco asistieron a misa el domingo en la Iglesia Santa Rita, y luego desfilaron por la Quinta Avenida, aunque la policía política impidió la participación de Ivón Mayesa, Mercedes Fresneda, Mayra Morejón Hernández y Rosario Morales de La Rosa.
Monday, September 05, 2011
Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet
Presidente de la Fundación Lawton de Derechos Humanos
Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad
La noticia corrió entre los cubanos con la velocidad de la candela en un campo de marabú cuando la Corte Penal Internacional dio la orden de arresto del genocida Muammar Gadafi y de varios de sus colaboradores más allegados.
Tras la entrada en Trípolis de los rebeldes de la oposición y la expulsión del poder del dictador Gadafi, algunos de mis compatriotas vinieron a preguntarme con el rostro iluminado con una sonrisa de esperanza sobre si era posible que la Corte Penal Internacional emitiera una orden similar contra los hermanos Castro y sus cómplices más cercanos.
Lo cierto es que a los cabecillas del régimen socialista les pueden ser aplicadas las cláusulas de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio aprobada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, el 9 de diciembre de 1948.
En esa convención se entienden por genocidio determinados actos perpetrados con la intención de destruir, total o parcialmente, a un grupo nacional, étnico, racial o religioso. A mayor abundamiento, el genocidio es un delito castigado por el derecho internacional, ya sea cometido en tiempo de paz o de guerra, y constituye sin dudas un flagrante crimen contra la humanidad.
El gobierno de Cuba viola también en forma consuetudinaria otras convenciones de las Naciones Unidas, tales como la Convención Internacional sobre la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial, la Convención Internacional de todas las Formas de Discriminación de la Mujer, la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, la Convención contra la Tortura y otros Tratos Crueles, Inhumanos y Degradantes.
Pudiéramos continuar mencionando convenciones, tratados, reglamentos y códigos internacionales que la dictadura castrista viola impunemente. Pero solo hago referencia a las convenciones por ser claro paradigmas de la naturaleza criminal de régimen.
De las violaciones más frecuentes, sistemáticas y continuas podemos señalar: Trata de personas humanas, prostitución y explotación de la mujer, prostitución y pornografía infantil, explotación del trabajo infantil, racismo y discriminación racial contra las personas de la raza negra,
torturas, tratos crueles y degradantes a las personas detenidas y encarceladas.
Por cualquiera de estos actos criminales el gobierno comunista cubano pudiera ser llevado y sancionado en cualquier corte del mundo civilizado. Sin embargo existe un delito que penalizaría al régimen y es el crimen contra la humanidad en su forma más aberrante: el delito de genocidio. Los hermanos Castro y sus secuaces durante su prolongado y espurio mandato han planificado y tratado de destruir a dos grupos humanos: sus opositores políticos y a las personas de la raza negra.
El artículo 6 de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio dispone que los reos acusados de genocidio sean juzgados por un tribunal del estado en cuyo territorio fue cometido el delito, o ante un tribunal penal internacional que sea reconocido como competente por los estados signatarios de la convención.
Los tribunales que funcionan en la actualidad en la República de Cuba jamás juzgarán a estos criminales porque han sido nombrados precisamente por quienes serían los principales acusados del delito de genocidio. Ahora bien, los acusados si podrían ser juzgados en estos momentos por tribunales internacionales.
Los crímenes de genocidio, de guerra y de lesa humanidad pueden ser juzgados ante el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia y la Corte Penal Internacional de Justicia. El Tribunal Internacional de Justicia es un organismo que forma parte de las Naciones Unidas. Fue creado para juzgar a los criminales de guerra nazis y japoneses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Es el principal órgano judicial de la ONU con la función de resolver por medio de sentencias las disputas que le sometan los Estados (procedimiento contencioso).
Asimismo, pueden emitir dictámenes u opiniones consultivas para dar respuesta a cualquier cuestión jurídica que le sea planteada por la Asamblea General o el Consejo de Seguridad, o por las agencias especializadas que hayan sido autorizadas por la Asamblea General de acuerdo con la Carta de las Naciones Unidas (procedimiento consultivo).
En el procedimiento contencioso pueden acudir todos los estados que sean miembros de las Naciones Unidas o aquellos casos autorizados por la Asamblea General, por recomendación del Consejo de Seguridad.
Solamente los estados miembros pueden ser parte en los asuntos contenciosos y su resultado es vinculante, final y obligatorio como estipula la Carta de Naciones Unidas. Como sabemos, Cuba es uno de los estados miembros de la ONU y está sujeta a los fallos del Tribunal Internacional de Justicia.
Por otra parte, la Corte Penal Internacional de Justicia no pertenece a las Naciones Unidas. Dicha corte tiene la responsabilidad de juzgar a personas acusadas de cometer crímenes de genocidio, crímenes de guerra y crímenes de lesa humanidad. Se estableció en Roma, el 17 de julio de 1998, después de una Conferencia Diplomática de plenipotenciarios de las Naciones Unidas. Tanto el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia (ONU) como la Corte Penal Internacional tienen sus sedes en la ciudad de La Haya, en Holanda.
Ahora bien, la afirmación de que el régimen de los Castro fue acusado hace varios años ante la Corte Penal Internacional de Justicia es completamente errónea. Según hemos explicado con anterioridad en este trabajo, para juzgar y sancionar a cualquier funcionario de un estado miembro es necesario que la Asamblea General o el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas declaren la criminalidad de sus acciones. Tal fue el caso del dictador Muammar Gadafi. No ha sido así hasta el momento en el caso de los hermanos Castro.
Lo que si es cierto es que, en noviembre de 1999, Fidel Castro canceló un viaje a Seattle, Estado de Washington, EUA, donde estaba pautada su participación en la Tercera Conferencia Ministerial de la Organización Mundial de Comercio. En esos momentos existía un caso ante la Fiscalía Federal del Distrito Sur de la Florida, en que Castro aparecía acusado e investigado por el asesinato de tres pilotos norteamericanos. Para evitar el riesgo de ser arrestado Castro se quedó en casa.
Desde otro ángulo, Cuba pertenece desde el punto de vista geográfico al Hemisferio Norte ya que se encuentra por encima del paralelo 20 y sus costas son bañadas por el Océano Atlántico. Esto hace que la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) tenga jurisdicción sobre nuestra Isla. En este sentido, la OTAN tendría además competencia para considerar los crímenes de genocidio cometido por el régimen de Cuba o cualquier ataque de éste contra cualquiera de sus miembros. Es mas, en un futuro Cuba cercano podría pertenecer a la OTAN si su pueblo lo decide democrática y libremente. Ya fuera con un ejército pequeño de espíritu democrático o como una nación sin ejército pero dentro de la organización atlántica al estilo de Islandia y Luxemburgo.
Desde luego que lo ideal para los cubanos sería liberarnos por nuestros propios esfuerzos. Sin dudas contamos con los mejores valores humanos y muestra de ellos son las dignas y valientes manifestaciones de las mujeres en la Plaza de Cuatro Camino en la Habana, en el Oriente del país y en el Capitolio, antigua sede del parlamento de la nación.
Estimulo a mis hermanos cubanos a imitar esos honrosos ejemplos y seremos libres más pronto de lo que vaticinan los pesimistas y temen los dictadores. Lo más importante es organizarnos, instruirnos y unirnos para desarrollar un movimiento civilista que amparado en el desafío político masivo no violento ponga fin a tantos años de opresión e injusticia.
Friday, September 02, 2011
Document - Cuba: Dissidents arrested in Cuba
Cuba Date: 1 September 2011
Document - Cuba: Further information: Women denied right to Cuba Date: 1 September 2011
(Please note: Because of the size of the photos of the ransack of the Antomarchit residence, we are unable to post all of them in this post. Please see additional posts labelled POST #2 & POST #3 below)
Riot squad members destroyed four mattresses with bayonets, broke chairs and a fan, toppled the back fence in order to get inside the house, damaged a window, and took the only scarce savings of the Antomarchit family. A computer, all of the activists’ mobile phones, a camera, a tape recorder, and numerous documents were confiscated.
Several activists with head wounds needed stitches, (as many as 14 stitches) and others who were overcome by the tear gas also fainted and vomited blood. As a consequence of the blows, activists are urinating blood, bleeding through the nose and suffering from headaches.
ADDRESS: Calle Paquito Borrero #256, entre Remus y 24 de Febrero, Palma Soriano, Cuba
(Photo credit: Net for Cuba:
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